30 anniversary - twitch mounts - not recieved

Anyone else ?
Twitch Account is connected for Months now
didnt got the Mounts


Yea same, have recieved twitch drops before without problem. But no anniversary stuff :frowning:

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" * Twitch drops must be claimed on Twitch and can take up to 24 hours before they appear in-game"

So it can be that it will just take abit of time before you get them x)


Same, not received yet. And when checking previous twitch drops I noticed that also some previous drops are still not awarded to me in game. Some have like the Ghastly charger, but the sand scarab for example not yet and I claimed that 18 days ago already.

Same here, didn’t get the mounts despite on Twitch mount is claimed and on another device watched on YouTube… no mounts. downloading TikTok!

Same for me, didn’t received anything ;/

1 hour and still no received yet! 24 hours? I dont think so coz I always getting fast but not this time!

Linked my Twitch account and Bnet account a week ago, watched over an hour through my mobile device (same twitch account) but neither any drops on twitch to claim, nor anything in WoW.

Over 24 hours later and I still don’t have my mounts. I watched it all on YouTube and had my accounts linked :sob:

same here fellas,watched on youtube,on twitch with all the links made up and didnt got nothing on twitch on drops and rewards also on youtube the connect beneath the video didnt appear

Same here, my guild mate received the mount yesterday, i did not. I claimed it on twitch 2 days ago, right after the event.

I just realised my 3 month ago claimed Ghostly Charges is missing too.


Weird scenario here: on my Twitch settings I double checked my connected apps and i had “Blizzard Battle.net: Connected 2 years ago”. But when i went to the https://account.battle.net/connections page and my twitch account was connected somehow (on their side). Now I connected it from battle.net side too, we will see.


Thanks for this, I have not gotten mount from Youtube, and everything looked correct but on the link you sent, it for some reason just said “+Connect” instead of “Disconnect” which I assume means everything is connected right.
Will try next live to see if I have more luck, thanks again <3

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I have yet to receive my twitch drop even tho i claimed it 9 days ago >.>

ye got same problem

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