30 yard range is considered melee damage?

The entire fantasy of paladin is being a cross between a warrior and a priest :man_facepalming: what have i honestly just read.

Paladins are susposed to be a class which is a mix of melee combat and ranged casting. That has always been what the class is about.

It takes a loss in regards with mobility to prevent such a balance becoming overpowered.

Ofcourse a hybrid melee / ranged class would have this. Same as enhancement shamans also have long cast ranged options.

If paladin didnt have casting abilities and more. Itd be a warrior with light based animations and may aswell just be added to warrior as a 4th specc lol


frost mage is a powerhouse what the hell are you talking about xD

also ret is a melee,has a 10 yard stun and needs mellee range to create holy power to have a decent sustained dmg,so its a melee.

if you want a ret be more melee,give it 2 charges and 1 leap like warrior and then ok,you can decrease ret distance in skills.

but ret is a wheelchair,its sometimes very difficult to stun healers in arena because you will poop yourself with your old donkey and your 10 yard stun.

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I agree with your post it wasnt hate about paladin, but mage are supposed to be ranged? I got to 2,1k in last season solo. so not that bad. But i feel more like a tank in arena, when warrirors can jump and dh acan fly its very hard just to get time for 1 sheep and when you finnally get a sheep guess what happens…

arh yes, Blessing of Protection, Flash of Light and Blessing of Freedom, magic abilities, should have melee range…

True as that may be…WHY EVOKER RANGE IS 25 XD

its so funny how all ret players run here to defend their old poop donkey class XDD. Well both rets and frost are bad now so idk. If you wanna pvp mage - play fire.

KEKLOL melee wheelchair class… Hits you from narnia and pops wheelies all over the arena, wears plate, improved iceblock, multiple other defensives, stun, cc, ranged attacks, hits like a truck, and can heal too

Dis class and the people that defend it, my sides…

Agree, nerf mage

hahahahaha wheeze. When does your comedy special come out on netflix?

Mage need a disarm spell, that will teach Warriors and DKs with 923787348 interrupts every second how it feels not be able to do anything XD

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