3450 rio achieved as PUGGING frost!

3450 rio achieved as PUGGING frost!

29th highest frostmage EU
Highest rated pugging frost mage (without premade)

If you need any tips how to get invited to grps as FROST during sanguine week and much more just ask!

I‘m sorry to say that but you are not. But keep going bro. You can do it!

Tell me you attach your selfworth to your fantasy pixel game score without telling me you attach your selfworth to your fantasy pixel game score.

I mean grats you’re a good mage but lets be honest, this is just you looking for some attention, don’t put all the “ask me about…” stuff, people on the internet aren’t that stupid.

Yet another mage who has higher M+ rating than achivement points, kinda sus. Hit level 70 last year October 31th.
If you are legit then congrats, if not, well…

What exactly do you mean with that?

Well, guess what it means. Either boost or “smurfing”. I doubt the average fresh player could do that so fast, but maybe I’m just too skeptical after pugging keys XD

What’s smurfing?

It’s when an experienced/high ranking player makes a fresh account to play with. It’s mostly a MOBA (LoL, Dota 2 etc) thing.

Why does it have to be a fresh account. Maybe they just rerolled to mage. Don’t think you can boosted that high btw.

2k achievemnt points, barely more than 1k at the time of posting means a fresh account, and she/he said that it wa spugs all along. Which is entirely possible but still rather unlikely from a fresh player, especially when it comes to pugging.
Like I said, it can be valid, I’m just rather suspicious. (Yes, 'Ive been pugging keys too much lately on my other characters)

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