36 hours left for DragonFlight! <3

I may not get sleep and will play at 2 AM with the all players who waited for it just like me!

:partying_face: :smiley_cat: :love_you_gesture:


You wont. When Shadowlands launched most people were put into shards and you meet barely anyone during launch. I think i meet lile 2 players in first two zone in Shadowlands becouse of sharding. Same will happen with Dragonflight.

Bastion was absolutely full for me and the SL introduction quest were brimmed with people on the realm i played on.
Oribus was full of chatter and excitment. Oh if we just knew what hell awaited us later on.

But yes, the beta has hyped me up and iā€™m ready for an all nighter.
I think iā€™ll settle for a family kebab pizza as my gamer fuel!

Zones were busy for me too even on a non RP realm.

I prefer to start when the disaster of a launch has died down, login queues, crashes, memory leaks, crowed zones waiting for response, laggy and buggy quests is the worst time to enjoy the game.

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Enjoy but I will not be joining you as I do not trust blizzard anymore. The last two expansions were awful and they do not listen to player feedback, Iā€™ll wait until March next year and see what happens first

I had little to no problems, but i also made sure to get in at the absolute moment servers went up. I was like nr 300 in the login queue.

But i do remember the login servers bogged down for some hours. But us who were in game were unaffected.


It is nice to see the game populated again. Roll on Tuesday afternoon :star_struck:

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awesome!! so excited

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I do have to admit, for the first time ever I donā€™t really feel anything about the new expansion. I mean I already have it preordered and will play it on launch but honestly I donā€™t really feel any excitement about it. Oh well maybe it will surprise me in a good way.

Iā€™ve got a busy work week but grab on hour or two Tuesday night. It will be next weekend before I get a real chance but Iā€™m good with that (two week off from the 16th December awaits for me. ) plenty of time, never understood the ā€˜rush, rushā€™ theyā€™ll be people going degenerate mode and then moaning on here on Friday there is nothing to do.

And I will buy it in January. Maybe.

I wish
But I will work my :peach: off
Maybe late at night when I get home will play

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Yeah, good luck, Iā€™m not playing until Tuesday/Wednesday morning for more stability, and less toxic players with a ā€œGOGOGOGOGOGOGO YOU NEED 1000000 ilvl and ahead of the curve to join my normal dungeon groupā€ mentality

is there a timer somewhere

DF will launch at 2 AM on Tuesday.

2AM? ON EU? manā€¦First launch I will fail then ;(

Oh sorry I totally forgot the timezone thing lol
It depends on where you live then.

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