Hi, I’ll keep this short. I’m a 360 arms/fury looking for a guild with good progress and a stable raid team. I raided in previous expansions from wotlk up to myth aggra. Currently 3/8 with the possibility of 4/8 with my current guild, but there’s no room for my dps since we already have a full team. So if your in need of a warrior with atleast 85% raid attendence and always up to date with new tactics and add-ons then add my btag #syreal2929
Hi Boroos,
We currently Don’t have an arms warrior and are 1/8 lacking Numbers to get a full raid team.
Check us out if you are interested give me a shout!
Hi mate,
Give me a shout on Faint#0604 on discord or Faínt#2342 on battle net
Hey Boross
I tried sending btag friend request but won’t let me
Im not going to bore you with a sales pitch offer, my guild has be active & steady for over 2 years and we are always looking for well rounded players to join the family.
We are semi hardcore and raid 2 nights a week wed & Sun 20:00-23:00 ST currently 8/8HC 2/8M we do in house M+
My vision is to go back to the love of the game, the reason we all started in the beginning and enjoy playing online with like minded people not letting it become a chore.
If you would like more info or we tick some of you box’s give me a shout or add me on btag Angelreeper#21136 Kind Regards Phil
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