Rate the transmog above you - part 14

Meh not really into bare-chested, half matching colours, Id prefer if your would take the time to complete a hole ensemble

Can’t see your armory

I see what are you trying to do but it can be better. The right shoulder and gloves doesn’t match well with the rest.

P.S: about my mog the bow is temporary until i drop the one from Sanctum of Domination
Full mog Hanzo Okami here: https://www.wowhead.com/outfit=407303/hanzo-okami

very feminine, goes well with the blood elf man. :wink:
pretty consistent. reminds me of winter.

Wrong char :slight_smile:
PLZ Rate Hunter above.

6/9 Cool but this staff …

Wow I’m almost loss for words. Excellent colour palette mixing, and all of the items match well with each other. You look like something straight out of a horror movie, and it’s totally up my alley.

A strong 10/10 from me good sir(or ma’am), since I cannot find any flaws! Great job! :slight_smile:

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Those goggles don’t go with the rest of the gear at all. 5/10

Alas. I am unable to inspect your attire!

Honestly a really nice set, 9/10
My only suggestion would be maybe switch the torch thing to a hammer or a spanner and I’d ditch the belt (If any one sees my profile, the chest should be purple not brown)

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I love the dark druid vibe. 8/10

I like it, although it looks like a dractyhr paladin to me. I do not like it specifically on the dractyhr, but I guess nothing looks particularly good on them. Does combine well with the customized horns and wings though, so yeah looks good. Just get rid of the tabard. 8/10.

Looks scary.

I dig your mog, it looks good o/

Elemental Mog, i like it.

Nice i like it 7.5/10

Very nice, i love this Core of the Warlock Tier 5 Set .
well Choice of Head and Back.

10 / 10

but i would take another belt.

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I like the theme, It has some veteran high elf vibes to it with all of that blue and the eye patch!

10/10 - Love that the armor and back piece match the face paint colours. Once of the best Tauren tmogs I have seen in awhile.

Good effort but doesn’t really reach its potential due to hidden helm, and different variations on shoulders/chest compared to boots, legs and gloves. 6/10 :blush: