Rate the transmog above you - part 14

7/10 looks cool, like a melee warlock full of armor +spikes

8/10 Could see you as a mob you’d have to fight in a dungeon but I don’t think the purple bands at the bottom work too well if youre going for the whole feral / barbarian caster look.

I’m not sure, but you are probably the first 10/10 I give. Really nice mog, everything fits well together and it’s not a full set, altho at least 3 pieces belong to the same but it’s ok I guess.
I hope your bear form is also white to match all that (I’m guess the unobtainable white werebear form from mage tower?).

Easy and simple, no colour dissonance, though it looks more like rogue type tmog. 7/10

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Ignore me please and rate TroĂșble instead, thank you.

Just to provide some context, the mog was inspired by the other Witcher dude that shows up in the 3rd episode of the Witcher show, and also a bit by Aragorn, hence the darker look, like them. :slight_smile:

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Very serene, if a bit simple, and I like the dark skin + dark eyes + white clothes combo. 8/10

Kinda like it I think the chest links the green and purple together nicely. If you could match the colour of the moon on your head to the staff that would be great. 8/10

(Don’t rate this one, rate Phenoix’s mog)

Yeeeah, I really wish I had a blue version of the moon or something like that. Honestly, even recolors of old stuff or remaking Vanilla / TBC / WotlK items in high res in general has such huge potential.

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Its pretty good but the gloves and feet could be better! 8/10

The belt seems off, but otherwise a decent resto druid mog and fits the Tauren theme.

classy pvp transmog, with Ebonchill for the wizardry. Nothing crazy, but definitely an eye-catcher nonetheless.

Meh not really into bare-chested, half matching colours, Id prefer if your would take the time to complete a hole ensemble

Can’t see your armory

I see what are you trying to do but it can be better. The right shoulder and gloves doesn’t match well with the rest.

P.S: about my mog the bow is temporary until i drop the one from Sanctum of Domination
Full mog Hanzo Okami here: https://www.wowhead.com/outfit=407303/hanzo-okami

very feminine, goes well with the blood elf man. :wink:
pretty consistent. reminds me of winter.

Wrong char :slight_smile:
PLZ Rate Hunter above.

6/9 Cool but this staff 

Wow I’m almost loss for words. Excellent colour palette mixing, and all of the items match well with each other. You look like something straight out of a horror movie, and it’s totally up my alley.

A strong 10/10 from me good sir(or ma’am), since I cannot find any flaws! Great job! :slight_smile:

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Those goggles don’t go with the rest of the gear at all. 5/10

Alas. I am unable to inspect your attire!