380 Druid and 370 Melee LF 1 or 2 Days-Raid-Guild


we are looking for a HC and Mythic Guild to raid - starting at 8pm server time (or later) on a wednesday and/or sunday. We are playing on the horde side of life and we want to keep it that way.

right now we are both playing on german servers (we are germans lol) but we are ready to transfer.

Druid - Eruja-Thrall Ilvl:380 Boomkin/Resto

Out of personal reasons Eruja isnt able to raid before 7.30 pm but would prefer 8 pm (servertime)

-Age 25
-Playing WoW since BC
-5 toons on endlevel
-was raiding every content except in early cataclysm
-M+ score is 1,1k+
-Btag Soenny#2718

I am playing a mage 380/386 as my mainchar in a 8/8 M world top 250 guild (i dont have the ghuun kill myself but we are working on it) so i am looking for a raid/guild for my alt.
I dont want to raid two times a day so i am only willing to raid we/fr/sa/so.
I dont care about the time when the raid is going to start but since we want to raid together the best times would be wednesday and sunday starting at 8pm

your raid/guild could chose one of my alts since i dont really care about which class i am playing:
MonkDD-/Heal 370
DH-DD 372
Rogue 355
DK-DD 344 or something like that
shaman 340 or something like that

Like i said i dont really care about which class i am playing (as long as i dont have to play tank) and i could - if everything else fits - level/boost another alt or equip one - it should take about 2 weeks to get one of my alts to 370 (at least for new 120s)
about me:
-Age 29
-playing since classic
-6 toons on lvl 120
-played almost every content in kinda (lol) good raidingguilds
-M+ Score about 1,2+k
-BTag: Dopy#2674

We appreciate every offer even if you arent quite sure if we fit together… just post here or add us on bnet and maybe we can work something out… just do it - we wont hurt you :smile:


Dopy and Eruja

Evening guys, Transparency-Shadowsong in an Alliance, Semi-Hardcore Raiding Guild and we are looking for Ranged DPS to help strengthen our core team.
We raid 20-2330 Realm Time Wednesday&Sunday, we only formed 7 weeks ago tomorrow, currently 4/8M. We are aiming for CE every patch from 8.1 onwards and realm #1 on our realm.

If you’d like any info give me an add on bnet Geekidge#2987 or check out our wowprogress if you need anymore info! Look forwards to hearing back from you guys!

I am sorry i should have stated that we want to play horde but i appreciate you posting in here - have a good weekend my friend

If you’re interested :slight_smile:

:pizza: [H] Casual Pizza Cats wants your deeps! :cat:

Are you either of these two?

  • A serious casual raider: a dpser who knows her/his class and wants to progress on Mythic, but who also has a life going on.
  • An active social player: someone who wants to join events and clear content together with guildies.

Then we’re the guild for you.


Raids are 8-11.30pm on Wednesday (Party Night) and Sunday (Progress Night);
and at 1pm on Saturdays (Alt/Social).

We have a flexible roster, so you will not be punished for missing a raid. !@#$ happens, we all know it. That said, loyalty is rewarded. We bring solid raid leadership, Spirit Cauldrons, Tables, Codexes, and Vantus Runes. In return, we expect you to bring a good understanding of your class and fight mechanics, and a great attitude.

We are looking for Mythic-ready dpsers who want to progress on high content, at a chill pace, with a fun guild. We also welcome main tanks and healers with a decent dps offspec they are willing to swap to.

More info on raiding:

Every week you have a shot at the prestigious Casual Pizza Cats Award by winning trivia night, transmog contests, hide and seek, naked foot runs, musical chairs, falling accurately to your death, limerick contests etc.. (For recent awards, check our subreddit!) Monday night is Monday Mayhem! - we run Mythic+ to get everyone their weekly +10. Every Saturday at 1pm is Casual Dog Daycare - our Normal alt/social raid. Once a month, during the Street Fight, we do an achievement run or clear any kind of special content together (e.g. Timewalking Black Temple). Finally, we have a bunch of altoholics, and if we’re really tired of life, we might even fish together.

All members are 18+ and mostly students/working, and so the guild (Discord) is most active in the evenings. We are all pretty chill people, and we like to keep it that way. We don’t tolerate drama or immature behavior.

We do not recruit the character. We recruit the person behind the character.


  • we log all our raids and are happy to help you with your log
  • we stream all our raids over at www.twitch.tv/CasualPizzaCats
  • we have our own little guild economy: buying (war packages) cheaper off guild bank than AH
  • we hang out on Discord: https://discord.gg/THr7nWx
  • our subreddit has more info: reddit.com/r/CasualPizzaCats

APPLY HERE: https://goo.gl/forms/XKCpT9AF18juYy9k2

One of our recruiters will get in touch with you afterwards!

Hi to the both of you.

Remnants of Valhalla resides on Dragonmaw and are looking for a couple of new faces for both HC and Mythic Raiding on Wednesdays and Sundays from 08.00 to 23.00

We are a friendly group of players who’s been playing together since Vanilla, Late tbc and so on through the expansions

We are currently on 2/8 Mythic and as mentioned looking for a couple of new faces

A DPS DK, Boomkin is especially interesting aswell as a Holy Paladin.
Dunno what else you guys have

I’ve taken the liberty to add you both, hopefully you’ll be willing to have a chat.


Hey there

We are based on Wildhammer/Thunderhorn


Hit me up for a chat


Hi there!

Not sure if you’ve already found a group or not, but our guild Purple Shiite Hawks is looking for new members. We took a break from end of Legion into now and started into the content 2 weeks ago. We’re at 8/8 N and this week have done 5/8 H, we’re hoping to continue to push into Mythics as soon as we can. We have a large social aspect to the guild as well, and regularly run mythic keystones to help gear ourselves up further (daily at this point).

We do our raiding on Mondays and Wednesdays, and are located on Draenor which is GMT+1. We raid from 20:30 server time to 22:30. We may increase this if the guild wants later.

We would love to have you come have a chat if you’re interested :slight_smile: We are looking for awesome people, and really push content, especially into 8.1.

If you’d like to talk more please feel free to add me on BattleNet at Niambh#2511

Check that one out, and if your interrested the information is down below.


Its hard to find guild mid tier mid tier. We sadly cant offer wednesday/sunday raiding days most likely, but tuesday/thursday 8-11pm instead.Guild “Rewind” is located on draenor server, We are forming a completely fresh group here, me and many others are around 4/8M this tier, and also have people with realm 5ths since MoP etc… going to aim that Cutting Edge.
Thing is that i cant promise raiding this tier, but pugging HC and first 3 or so Mythic bosses should not be issue, ive been talking to another forming guild about merging till next tier, we see what happens, but with 4 days before recruitment started, we have around 10 potential raiders already. And we also do mythic+ daily, around 13+ level keys been done in guild so far, considering the fact that we are just getting used to each other. people here have up to 1,7k rio.

Raid times may change but 2 main raid days will be, with an optional hc clear, and MAYBE if people want- 3 raid nights during first weeks of new tier release. if interested add our leader irigan#2950 or me RihoAtsEST#2138

Guild Name:
Newly Formed Guild with Exp of 8/8 N 8/8 HC 2/8 M
Raid Times:
Summer Time 19:30 - 23:00
Winter Time 18:30 - 22:00
Raid Schedule:
Wed - Sun

Hey guys and gals , <DafuqisgoingON> if u looking for chilled yet competitive environment in addition to +30 yrs old matured community looking for a like-minded players with mythic ambition we are looking for cutting edge, also our exp is (8/8 h 2/8 m) and at the moment we are recruiting dedicated loyal and SOCIAL friendly matured players to join our ranks.

ALL CLASSES AND ROLES ARE CONSIDERED (if you are a fast learner and take constructive criticism with an open heart).

Contact us for more info: Maximoss#2481 - Mesao#2956 - Xdanger#2191
Thank you