give 2h shaman whirlwind please.
6 seconds cooldown, 5 targets hit around the shammy, can’t proc WF, can be used to stack maelstrom and fix the starvation issue, put it on the glove rune slot and restrict it to 2h.
get to work.
give 2h shaman whirlwind please.
6 seconds cooldown, 5 targets hit around the shammy, can’t proc WF, can be used to stack maelstrom and fix the starvation issue, put it on the glove rune slot and restrict it to 2h.
get to work.
Dunno what you’re talking about. 2H shaman is great in raids doing comparable dps to dw.
not really though.
your DW shammies just suck
the one and only scenario where a 2h shaman does the same dps as a dw shaman is if
A: the dw shaman sucks
B: the 2h shaman is a bis geared chad who knows his rotation/priority system to perfection… and has a hand of rag or spinal reaper (and is an orc).
You said it yourself. BiS DW and BiS 2h do comparable DPS. Logic suggests that it’s safe to extrapolate this on other gear (i.e. preBiS DW vs preBiS 2H and so on). So my initial statement is correct.
that’s not what i said at all.
i said 2h only does comparable damage if the 2h shaman is in bis gear and the dw shaman sucks - meaning “if the dw shaman is either bad at the game or is in poor gear”
a bis geared dw shaman will always beat a bis geared 2h shaman in dps.
I suggest you check the sims and then reevaluate your statement.
i prefer to go by what i see in practice.
sims are for losers and noobs and they always give a false picture of reality.
sims are assuming perfect conditions and loot pinata boss that has no mechanics.
oh and btw, any sim you can make has DW performing better than 2H, so your argument is contradicting itself.
i’d be very interested to see one where 2h outperforms DW or comes close.