3k Boomkin LF M+ team

Hey, I’m looking for an active m+ team. I have experience in high keys from previous expansions. I’m very active and mostly flexible for gaming hours. I also play Destro 629, and Ele 624. Hit me up if you wanna push to title, or have any questions. If you are not a full team that’s no problem, I’m willing to build up a team, just be a meta spec.


Hi there :slight_smile: ,

Have a look at our guild, we are also planning to build up m+ teams :slight_smile:

push, no1 out there wanting to push for title???

Hi Jahcusii,

Are your referring to the top 1% title?

We have a few players pushing high keys. Not sure how high that have pushed though.

Hey, Yes I’m referring to the top 0.1% title. Also I have already a guild mate, thanks for the interest.

still looking