3man premade kicking people before last boss in group finder

But we don’t know the situation.
We can defend it because we don’t have any proof either way.

If a GM is saying this - who has access to your chat log, perhaps you were not as right as you think.

Even if a GM acted on it - i don’t think they are allowed to tell you?

I think it’s reasonable to be upset! They wasted 20 minutes of 2 people’s time and gave a 30min queue restriction.

And this is probably not the first time they are doing this

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Probably is not much to go on.

You had a bad group - it happens to us all.

The GM told me he can’t do anything about it and that’s how the system works. If this bothers me, I shouldn’t queue for dungeons and go questing.
I don’t think saying “Yea we have a-holes that are using people, ruining their experience and having fun while doing it, if it bothers you, do something else.” is okay.

What if people could stick to the topic in a discussion like this? Would be absolutely amazing!

I’m not defending people being bad to each other but I don’t think even if GMs had all the time in the world they should be sifting through chat logs and the being the arbiter of ‘he said she said’ arguments.

If people were genuinely abusive to you - i.e it was written down - then I fully support you making an issue of it.

*There is no justice in PuGs. Unless it’s your group expect the worst and you may be surprised. Or you may not.

How exactly i drifted off topic? Name is valid reason to be kicked

Well a bunch of pricks can silence you if they felt like it, even if you said or did nothing.

It’s called abusing the system. Dunno why they’d kick you, correct me if I’m wrong, but right now, with personal loot, you are just gimping yourself by having fewer people.

Oh okay, lucky I didn’t do it on this char then and I did it on my mage.

Tells what kind of person you are if you would kick people who has commited 20+ minutes of their time into a dungeon for their name.

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In this game ,democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting to choose dinner

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two ways to fix this …

  1. don’t allow lfd/lfr to allow pre-grouping.
  2. if you join as a group, only 1 person of the pre-grouping has a vote in kick situations.

Neither will happen so just do it to everyone else you come across, as that’s the message blizzard are giving you … they don’t care, you shouldn’t either.

One solution would be to limit the amount of Vote Kicks you can initiate to 3 per day per account.

Make it so a premade group only has 1 vote would also mitigate this issue.

Have system whereby the person being kicked has to agree to it in 2 minutes, no answer will mean getting kicked (this will take care of AFK and disconnections.)

That doesnt work unless you agreed to the kick aswell . So you either agreed or lying .
Guild and premade groups need a 4th to help them kick as a 3 they cant do it .

Nope, I voted no, he got kicked, then a random PUG came in before last boss and I got kicked. I even whispered asking why he kicked me and he said he vote no.

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The only thing I can recommend if you get into this situation again is to weather it until you down the first boss, and then just leave. As far as I recall after you kill the first boss you can leave without getting deserter for it.

I encountered a group similar to this, though the people in the group weren’t in a party. The tank was irritating and uninformed on how the dungeon mechanics work, so I weathered it until we killed the first boss in the dungeon, and then I left.

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Coof at them. That will teach them.

  • because they can
  • because in democracy quantity is the only variable that does matter
  • your self esteem will never get justice, swallow it down or choke to death on it.

non sarcastic piece of advise : move on and don’t make useless post for the sole reason of bringing even more shame on you.

And there is no alternative because this expansion is the worst and people quited. And now we got the conclusion for this issue. xD

It happens, forget about it.

3 evil premades having fun in their own little worlds, I see no harm here.

It were better in vanilla when group leader did think that he/she were a semi-god and had master loot. Ooh everybody /roll For the gear and I will give it fair, or w8 my friend wants that gear, accept it or leave. It has always been this way, the only way that you can be sure to not get kicked or to get treated unfairly is to run with guild or friends.

Sadly this is how humanity works! Blame Big Bang :laughing: