3man premade kicking people before last boss in group finder


So I got into a normal dungeon through group finder. Got into a group consisting of one 3man premade and 1 random guy. They votekicked the random guy before 3rd boss and even though I pressed no the kick still went through.

Then they votekicked me before last boss as well.

We had 0 wipes in the whole dungeon, 0 deaths and everything was going well. I am 100% sure this 3man group are doing it just for fun and ruining time for others.

Why is it that a 3man premade can queue a group finder dungeon and just kick whoever they want? They have probably done this to a lot of people.
And can people who do this constantly get punished? I sure hope these people do…


Because there is no better alternative.

No they won’t as they haven’t broken any rules. Queue with a friend if you want to 100% avoid this situation.


“Queue as a friend if you want to avoid this situation”.

But the random guy in my group got kicked, even though I voted NO. It seems like all they need is a majority. So a 3man premade can kick WHOEVER they want.


That’s how the kicking system works, yes.

That’s how all votes works, even irl.

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Thats how democracy works since ages .

The majority in your case voted for their reasons and bingo.


My point is that a 3man premade can kick WHOEVER they want, bad intentions or not. I think that if it’s a 3man premade, they shouldn’t count as majority and that they should need 1 more yes vote for the kick to go through

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It wouldn’t if they were in the same Guild, in which case they need 4 (iirc).

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Nope, they weren’t in the same guild

I mean this is strange tho because I had times when we 3 wanted to kick 2 guys that were toxic against one of our group and we were not able to do so.

Hard lesson on how democracy works. Suck it up.

while leveling as disc priest, i got kicked from a halls of lightning run at the last boss, Loken, because, i dindt heal them enough.

mind me that they dind’t spread or move away when any of Loken’s lighting attacks went through.
and mind me that i got kicked when the boss was at 2% after i had basicly soloed him from 20%.

i’m just saying that things like these just happens from time to time, and generally there’s not much to do about it sadly :slight_smile:

Also happened to me. Played with a very toxic 3-man group, constantly crap-talking us other two, just “for fun”, because the run was smooth and we didn’t die on anything. Kicked both of us when the last boss was at 20%. Didn’t get any XP from the dungeon, got a deserter de-buff. When I messaged a GM, he basically told me that he can’t do anything and I should find another way of leveling if this bothers me, which I think is just unacceptable, but eh. Some people are just a-holes.

I definitely think that this should be punishable in same way, at least when they do it more than once. This is abusing the kick system, griefing other people, wasting their time and overall just being a-holes for no reason.

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Propose an alternative to majority vote wins?
There isn’t one. :slight_smile:

It happens a fraction of the time.
I’ve played this game for almost a decade and I can count on one hand how many times I’ve encountered stuff like this.

There doesn’t need to be an alternative. Keep the system as it is, but punish those who clearly abuse it.

And how would you measure this?
Anyone who gets kicked would cry that it was unfair.

I think the point is it’s not abuse if the majority vote for it.

Not fair, not nice - but it is what it is.

Dude, you put the words in my mouth. This was exactly my point! This is abusing the vote kick system. The vote kick system is there to kick AFKers, griefers and toxic people. It’s not there for a group of 3 friends to kick people from every single dungeon before last boss, just to piss people off. It’s mindblowing how people defend this, in my opinion!

Well take my experience for example that I posted above. The group spammed dungeons and kept kicking people at the end of the dungeons. GM said “eh, go do something else”. Really?

Compensation needs,many people have that syndrome.If you get in that situation you should be aware that you are better than them and no need to get upset.

A proposition to possibly solve this would be if a 3man premade starting a vote kick needed an additional yes vote from one of the random guys in the group.