Outside few weeks in a season, this class is absolutely disgusting for pvp. I played DK since wrath on high rating and I can’t remember it being so bad for so long like this. Part of this reason is probably wow gaslighting community that tends to not like DKs or talk how broken they are while they are being 10% of the bottom ladder and class representation.
Blizzard, look at DKs without listening to monkies - they say their classes need tuning, I literally just ask mine to be playable in pvp.
Imo nothing will change significantly as long as it has this design. Even with this new talent system nothing has changed.
In short, spec is too slow, too many gcds, takes too long to start doing dmg, too predictable and easy to counter. Most casters do dmg much faster. This kind of design used to work, but apparently not in recent years where everything boils down to doing as much dmg as possible in the shortest possible time. Even if they buff the dmg I think it would be B-B+ tier at best.
Buff/nerf this or that is ok, but imo meaningful rework is what this spec actually needs.
do you not enjoy having to use the entirety of your utility just so you can keep enemy men inside the green pve circle? no more gripping ports, casts, charges in order to peel, nothing, only green pve circle
give bliz the indie dev a break. you can’t expect them to perfectly balance sh*te if they don’t play their own game.
I mean, they tried to hide the fact that that their ceo bobby kotik left a death threat on the phone of his private jet’s flight attendants phone. What sort of a company do you think this is?
Reanimation’s explosion now deals 15% of the targets health in Shadow damage (was 20%). I don’t mind to nerf it which you can move left and right to avoid. But the unholy is under performing for season 2. And that meme talent carry damage and some burst windows out of CDs. I mean if you remove it undk damage is terrible compare to other.
To those thinking how I should provide some constructive feedback. I did, and many of us did over the last years. Ultimatelly designing the game is not any of our job, its yours, do it right pls.