3rd week no tuning?

Just not true in any form of decent rated content though, is it? :rofl:

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Holy pally change in 10.1.5 waiting room. It’s amazing how they admit that spec is in a bad spot and they are reworking it, while telling you that changes come in months, so you have to deal with it being garbo till then.

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I mean if you compare them to boomkin and destro sure, but its a bit like last season where we all talked about how crazy dks and demon hunters were and then oop we nerfed them and now arms warriors demolish everyone for like 3 months until rets get turbo buffed.

stuff that is very strong is still worth looking into even if it isn’t the strongest imo. the only mistake would be if they nerfed shadow while ignoring destro, boomkin, enh, fire, etc.

DH’s were arguably the most busted they’d ever been at the start of S1

Things that are very strong is exactly how it should be. The only changes should be to clear overperformers. Sub, fire and destro are all beyond broken

They did this with the rogue ability ‘exsanguinate’ too. I found the little quote thing they wrote funny at the time, but in retrospect given they’ve done nothing with it for 6 months now, it is even more funny:

from dec 6th 2022 class tuning. 6 months+ they’ve been cooking up a new version of exsanguinate lol:


yeah and what i’m trying to say is that we’re talking about dks (boomkins) and demon hunters (destro locks) while forgetting about third best, arms warriors (spriests, fire mages, arguably aff locks too)

we’re nerfing one set of clown specs and making way for others to move up and succeed instead.

then again we’re not doing any of that right now - we’re too busy nerfing unholy dks and err, not tuning the game at all for 3 weeks :slight_smile:

depends what we both mean by very strong. to me very strong is essentially just overtuned. its a spec that can slot into like 7 different comps and do well. broken specs i’d consider stuff like ret pala, where if you aren’t playing it last patch, you were just trolling

in general i’d prefer every spec to be mostly average, with strengths in various areas. like warriors should probably have the best mortal strike and be tanky, but not do absurd burst damage, rogues should have the best control, but not do crazy damage as well, etc.

Sub, Fire and Destro are S+ tier. I’m watching Sub Rogues win games in the first cheap shot of the game. No spec should be s+ tier, they should be regarded as S tier at most.

Every spec should be considered as good, and being regarded as ‘average’ results in constant ‘buff x y z’.

Clear outliers need to be addressed that promote unhealthy, bad game design. I.e, why are Fire Mages and Boomkins doing the most damage in the game without casting anything? Why can a Sub Rogue kill in the first cheap shot of the game? Why do Destro Locks have crazy pressure from non casted abilities?

I don’t think ‘I got faked during a Shadow Priest’s burst window with multiple offensive CD’s up, my healer didn’t dispel dots, and no defensive CD’s were pressed so I died’ is viable grounds for warranting ‘major nerfs’ - that just seems like compensating for misplaying, which is surely undesirable, no?

Good luck setting that up in solo shuffle even, u need the right comp and everything for it.

Exactly, if WoW wish to be E-Sport games, there is no place under sun for something called S tier, S+ tier, God class or similar abomination, simply and brutal, better must win

When we know that we have S tier class present in game? (INDICATOR)
When you feel your grandma coud play it well
When there is no bad players of certain class, they are all good or very good
When this class infest bracket like rats, for example you play 100 games and meet same class in 90% of your games

In addition concept of S tiers is there to make people stupid, guys who play them live in illusion they are good players, while guys who not play them suffer, very existence of S tiered classes defy sanity and reason.

Its matter of respect: When we watch AWC what we see? skills? crazy gameplay? nah nothing of it, we just see guys abusing S-tiers, in some games you can see guy who play S-tier class and do 100 mistakes vs. guy who play non S-tier and cannot afford a single mistake, in the end meta guy win… Now question to all of you? Who can respect such a winners? AWC is all about resepect rigt, but how you can respect someone who play S tier? you cant, and thats why there is no respect toward AWC and its champions.

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Game is alive cause of pve. i think If this game had only PvP, the company were in bankruptcy 5 years ago.

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i should be paid to play at this point, 40min+ queue timers is a joke

Dont worry guys Diablo 4 soon,
jump ship dont look back

Nerf precog please

man some of these posts make me lose interest in ever reading the forum

i wonder if blizz took every comment as actual feedback how much worse the game would be, and the posts wouldn’t even stop, there is 1 good piece of feedback every 5 or so posts, rest is basically nerf every class, buff every class and so on

It was meant to be a joke bro :joy:

I think we´re in a transittion period where melees just havent adjusted to the fact that we now get punished for playing poorly, aka kicking air. Previously people would just kick air, get faked n go “huh, guess ill stun instead”. Try playing warrior n using vrykul drinking horn in a bg a few times n i promise you´re going to get kicked by some melee.

Last season we had a very obvious melee meta and people still complained about casters eventhough every statistics pointed at it being a melee meta. Granted that fury, which im playing currently softcounters both destro locks n spriests but how is it that people struggle so badly against them? Boomkins i can sorta understand because they dont cast anything except 0,0001 secound cyclones n the rest is all instants but both spriest n destro locks do infact cast, eventhough they have some instants im going to tripple their damage if they rely exclusively on instants.

The only things that primarly annoys me with spriest is swap, which is a quite high skillceiling ability to utilize properly in the first place but its annoying because it makes aggressive hardswaps difficult against a team with a priest. Destro locks im only concerned about if they are paired with a mage, affliction locks are free kills no matter what they are paired with, demo locks are admittedly disgustingly annoying by sheer design n i´d rather have that spec fully removed from the game but that is an obvious biased take on it.

I personally think precog is great, why are people upset about the skillceiling for melees being raised? just because you see a caster casting something doesnt mean you´re obligated to using your kick just because its not on cooldown. So long as your kick is off cd you have automatic preasure by default. If they are fakecasting, they arent casting. Just chill with your kick intill he gets sick of faking.

What makes me laugh is that you say we had a melee meta in S1 based on solo shuffle datas that to me are like toilet paper

That is fine, shuffle has 10x more lobbies being played, n thats taking into consideration that season is deflated and shuffle has 40 minute ques compared to 3s instant ques. This would make it easy to assume that the actual playerbase percentages prefering shuffle is even higher, infact its likely safe to assume 90% of players partaking in arena prefers shuffle. If you´re not one of those thats fine but the fact still remains.

Considering the pro scene of WoW attracts like 700 viewers its never going to be an esport n because of that its far more relevant to tailor the game to appeal to the 90%, as opposed to the 10% from a financial standpoint. I dont hate 3s but pretending that soloq is irrelevant with all these things taken into consideration is just naive.

I still CBA to buy diablo 4…

Diablo 3 begin as AWESOME game, where it matter how you attack certain enemy how you avoid stuff, skill was involved, then came meta sets, and it no longer matter how you play, you just 1234 and anything fell before you, game become wreck a mole, rift progress depend how good pieces you have not how good or bad you play, and that screen glow like disco cricus where you cant see whats even happening on batltefield, after 3 hours of diablo 3 your eyes feel like you worked in shipyard entire day welding metal, i will buy diablo 4 asap if i know it wont become this abomination.

Well i’m not using chill streak only oblirate cleave, tried chill streak but it never works :slight_smile:

Now that PvP team is thorn apart I guess we will have “shadowlands tuning “ again …
Enjoy caster destroying you until end of season :joy: