3v3 comps

Hey guys
im just wondering what comps you are playing as a DH, and what i should be looking for ! any tips or advice is welcome !
I thank you in advance :)
Boomie/dh healer sham or monk
War/dh healer dpriest or druid mby monk
Double dh with druid

After 8.1 meta gonna shift af.
DH/Boomkin and DH/Arms are our best comps.

DH/DH + a mobile healer like Monk also sounds promising. You'd mana burn healers so fast.
DH/Warr/MWmonk or DH/Warr/Rdruid is my favo.

DH AoE stun into Druid vortex with bladestorm on top...that's an insane opener.

Would it work with SV hunter and fill the role of the Warrior in Fury KFC?