3x monitor setup

Thinkin to go: 3x 24" 144hz full hd, but i figured i better raise a topic on this.

Would want the map and maybe the chat on the left monitor, inventory to the right monitor, character in the middle with action bars.

Does the game support multiple monitors with same values from one gpu ?

Or should i just buy ultrawide ? Does it make it too blurry ?

Why would ultrawide make anything blurry? :smiley:

No, though I think both Nvidia and Amd have their solutions to combine monitors into one. But at that point just buy ultrawide if you really want. You are going to need bunch of addons to get any reasonable UI for that as well.

No need of any more addon for ultrawide than you normaly use.

I am thinkin if we could get like blank extensions to the game for extra monitors.

Like a book covers it be.

I could move my map and addons there, and the performance would still be on the main monitor. Couse now it would make my frames go 144hz x 3.

I would only need the one time 144hz frames.

The side monitors could be like 30hz for example.

That’s not how multi monitor setup works :smiley:
You don’t have to process 3x the refreshrate, just once since it is one instance of WoW and not 3.

Should go for a super ultrawide honestly just shame there are no super ultrawides with ips panel at 240hz usually only VA which come with many dead pixels.

Curious, but what do you need 240hz for except competetive shooters?
Surely not for WoW since you won’t even get half that refreshrate most of the time in grp content :slight_smile:

Yeah may as well go for a 60hz display cos your eyes cant see past 60 fps anyway /s

I think you should go for the 500hz one… better safe than sorry right :slight_smile:

If you want ultrawide you usually limited around 144hz and super ultrawide usually around 240hz

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