4 old exp players LF Guild [H] [Golemagg]

Hi there Leju

We are rolling Horde on Golemagg just like you guys. Our goal is to raid efficinetly but remove the hardcore elitist feeling surrounding it. You can check out some basic info such as loot distribution etc. here <Cult of the Damned> [Horde] Golemagg |HC/Semi HC| |PvE and PvP|

We are understanding that not everyone has the time to put in ungodly hours into the game every week, people who participate in raiding the most get the best rewards, but if people participate often they get geared eventually thanks to our system.

All of your desired classes are still open (we do already have 3 tanks atm, so going fury is an option as well. We will figure something out)

You can contact me on discord for a quick chat if you’d like jakka#6956