4 old exp players LF Guild [H] [Golemagg]


We are four old friends eager to start playing Classic once again. Having played every expansion togheter this game has become sort of a lifestyle. Each expansion played differently, some deep down end game raiding and some more casual.

Who we are

  • Today we are of the age 31, 32, 32, 32 and currently working as an engineer, doctor, refinisher and the last guy some kind of marketing. Im not sure but I guess that’s something close to idle on Facebook, idk really.

What we are looking for

  • A well organized and mature guild willing to do serious raiding but still have the open possibility to have a laugh, to fail and come back stronger. A guild understanding family and work does not allow playing 50hours/week anymore but still want organized raids/PvP while online. Basicly we are looking for a guild to call home online, making new friends and in a not ultra hardcore way see end game. Sure open to kill some alliance aswell.

What we can offer

  • Easy going mentality and experience since the very beginning. We will be prepared for raiding and we will be knowing what to do. Probably wont be server first to 60 and probably wont be online whole days. But hey, we sure will be making time count when online.

We are going for Warrior (preferable tank), Priest (preferable healer), Warlock and Mage.

Does this sounds interesting to you and your guild? Please dont hesitate to write a little something about your guild, raiding times etcetera as a comment.

Until then, for the Horde!

I know you’re currently looking at Golemagg Leju but could I tempt you to Shazzrah as I feel we could match what you are looking for!

Hello mate. Thanks for your reply! I’ll talk to my friends but I think we prefer Golemagg for now. I’ll keep in touch otherwise.

No problem Leju! Good luck on your search!

Hi Leju, Interested post youy made so eventhough we are located on Shazzrah I’d like to send some information about our guild.

We started this guild a couple of weeks ago as a group of real life friends around the 30 age. Our goal for vanilla wow is to experience it all again as a tight community where having fun is a high standard. We all work full time and some of us have a family which requires our attention. Based on this our plan is to raid for 2-days a week at 20.00 till 23.30, where 20.00 is the actual pull of the first trash pack.

As it is only two days we do require high focus, commitment when you show up and preparation to have as efficient raiding as possible.

We currently have several groups in the guild with people that know each other in real life and also friends of friends joining which strengthens the community we are trying to build.

I hope this sounds interessted eventhough we are located on different server, if you want to have a chat on discord let me know!


Looks like a great funt community aswell. I’ll keep in touch with you also if we agree to switch server to Shazzrah mate.

Hi there Leju

We are rolling Horde on Golemagg just like you guys. Our goal is to raid efficinetly but remove the hardcore elitist feeling surrounding it. You can check out some basic info such as loot distribution etc. here <Cult of the Damned> [Horde] Golemagg |HC/Semi HC| |PvE and PvP|

We are understanding that not everyone has the time to put in ungodly hours into the game every week, people who participate in raiding the most get the best rewards, but if people participate often they get geared eventually thanks to our system.

All of your desired classes are still open (we do already have 3 tanks atm, so going fury is an option as well. We will figure something out)

You can contact me on discord for a quick chat if you’d like jakka#6956

Hello mate.

Looks like great fun. I am afraid that ‘life’ itself will prevent us from leveling to 60 in 2-4 weeks though. I see that it is not necessary but also understand it could put a risk to future raid spots.

Our aim is to start raiding around week 5, if you guys aren’t 60 by then then unfortunately we cannot guarantee you main raiding spots.

It’s up to you, we are happy to have you either way

We are also on Shazzrah.
However, I believe we are perfect for you guys because we are a social guild first and foremost, knowing that life can throw wrenches on our everyday activities. Dont let our size scare you off, 40+ of us know each other for over 10 yrs.
Edit: we are also Alliance xD

I totally understand that. My guess is that some of us will be 60 by then but not all.

Greetings Leju & friends!

I am going to throw my name in hat of guilds on Shazzrah. I am Gald and I’m the GM of . I hope that the information below finds you well and if you should have any questions regarding the guild, please don’t hesitate to contact me or one of the officers.

Basic Information

Guild: Misplaced Elitism
Server: Shazzrah-PvP
Faction: Horde

About us

Formed on Kazzak by a group of long time in-game friends, at the turn of the year 17/18. Our experience ranges from Vanilla to BFA, from the social guy that brings banter to Cutting Edge Raiders. But at the core is a strong, dedicated and passionate group with a deep mutual respect for each other. We are currently preparing for our official transfer to the classic servers and as such have opened up recruitment on a massive scale. If you have the desire to raid, enjoy banter, laughs and true classic style raid leaders then this is the home for you, we got it all!


WE ARE RECRUITING ALL CLASSES. Check priorities below to see where your chosen class stands. All exceptional applicants will be given a fair shot regardless of the priority!

Druids: Low
Hunters: Low
Mages: Very High
Shamans: High
Priests: Medium
Rogues: High
Warlocks: Medium
Warriors: Very High

You can apply by direct message to an officer on discord, battlenet or guildsofwow. A dedicated guild website is under construction!

Raid Schedule

Saturday - 20pm-23:00pm

Sunday - 20pm-23:00pm

This is the preliminary raid schedule and may change leading up to or during classic. a 3rd day during the weekdays is planned to fully utilize the 3/day lock-out on certain raids.

Raid invitations go out 15 minutes prior to this above mentioned time.

What we expect from you

We expect people who apply to have an insatiable thirst and need to improve their own gameplay over a mountain of experience. With that said, experience is also useful and valued. We are looking for people who fit our guild mentality and ethos above all.

As our time is limited it is vital that you know how to manage and spend your time well when you are in-game. Showing up prepared, excited and eager to attack the problem that lay ahead of you, be it grinding out that elusive Hand of Justice trinket for your pre-raid bis gear or logging in for the first attempts at Ragnaros.

Here in We are a team and we have been that for a while, even during our break we would regularly play together and push keys. It goes without saying that any applicant therefore is not just subject to being judged by the officers but also by the entire guild to make sure that the trialist is the perfect match for our community.

Further more we expect our members to behave properly. By this we mean no deliberate attacks towards guildmembers or players. If anyone gets wind of this, it is grounds for immediate removal (albeit on a case by case basis).

What you can expect from us

  • Dedicated and driven officer team with decades of experience as raiders andleaders.
  • A healthy balance of banter, nerd-screams and seriousness when it is go-time.
  • Kind, fun and caring atmosphere due to an outstanding bunch of people
  • Thick skinned raid leaders, happy to take well-founded, positive criticism.
  • Did we mention the banter?

Still want to apply?

If you too have an unwarranted sense of grandeur and know you are secretly the best EU, hit up one of our officers and come prove it. Have links at the ready as we will require combat logs!

Gald - Gald#2905(Btag) - Galdriemir#6142(Discord) (GM - Guild Management)

Momo - Momo#24711(Btag) - Momo#8315(Discord) (Recruitment Officer)

Retakas - Runbjarn#2990(Btag) - Runbjarn | Retakas#0045(Discord) (Recruitment Officer)

Siz - Questberg#2880(Btag) - Schizzo#0203(Discord) (Co-RL)

Kusakorrad - Folthern#2595(Btag) - TheIronYuppie#0019(Discord) (Raid leader)

Sounds awesome aswell. Where are all the Golemagg guilds though? :slight_smile:

Leju - hope the search is going well! Might be worth using the classic wow guilds channel on discord you may have better luck finding Golemagg guilds there? If you do change your mind and decide on Shazzrah our doors are always open!

Hi Leju and Gang, Cohort [Horde] [Golemagg EU-PVP] [Semi-Hardcore] might just be what you’re looking for.

Who are we?

We are new guild founded by players who have been around since vanilla.
We’re looking to re-live the excitement we experienced and the sense of community and comradery lost over the years.
We are an English speaking guild that welcomes all.

What do we aim to offer?

A solid core of experienced raiders and PvPers.
We offer a more relaxed and casual environment.
Well organised and experienced leadership.
A well grounded and friendly community.

At least 2 raid nights a week - other raids and events as and when.
Tues/Thurs 20:30-23:30 Server Time
EPGP Loot System.

What are we looking for?

Anyone and everyone who’s looking for a community to experience classic in a more relaxed manner.
We’re looking for mature and respectful individuals.
For team players who want to contribute to the guild and group up with other members.
Most importantly we’re looking for someone who’ll get along with everyone.

Recruitment is currently open to all classes and specs.

If you’re interested you can either reply here, contact me via Discord at: Taffster#1825 or via Battle .net: Taffster#2755


Taffster, GM

Hello fine sire, i think we can fit you all in !

Days are:
Wed + Thur: 20.00-23.00 Realm time, and if needs be adding Sunday for progress, not sure its gonna be required for molten core and onyxia tho :smiley:

We will roll on Shazzrah Alliance!

We´re a bunch of friends whom all played since vanilla,
Clearing Everything:
Molten Core: Cleared.
Onyxia´s Lair: Cleared.
Black Wing Lair: Cleared.
Ahn’Qiraj Temple: Cleared.
Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj: Cleared.
Zul Gurub: Cleared.
Naxx: Cleared.

I´ve lead a guild in later wow succesfully aswell to Ranks in Legion:
Emerald Nightmare: 7/7 Mythic World 564.

Trial of Valor: 3/3 Mythic World 216.

Nighthold: 10/10 Mythic World 298.

Tomb of Sargeras: 9/9 Mythic:
Fallen Avatar: World 26
Maiden of Vigilance: World 16
Mistress Sassz’ine: World 20
The Desolate Host: World 18
Sisters of the Moon: World 22
Harjatan: World 46
Demonic Inquisition: World 36
Goroth: World 85

Antorus, the Burning Throne: 11/11 Mythic World 143.

I´ve added you both on bnet and on discord :slight_smile:

in case u wanna come easier in touch, please join our discord and ask for me or sinned :slight_smile:


Hi mate. Sounds really interesting. I’ve added you on Battle .net. Talk to you there!

Hey Leju, there is one right here, though we are currently small and still forming, and we are alliance, I was unsure if that would interest you, but I shall leave our recruitment post here should you wish to read it:

Our contact details are at the end of the post if you are interested.
Hope to hear from you before launch.

Hello Leju, I’m the GM of Valkyria on Golemagg, and I would like to welcome you to our guild, we’re a casual progression guild that raid once a week & pvp once a week, due to other commitments, our main focus is obviously to clear everything but we’ll do it without rushing the content, for more information I’d highly suggest checking out our Discord https:// discord.gg /8YXJf3K

Hi there!

As of today we are recruiting on Golemagg as well :slight_smile:
We’re a 3-day a week raiding guild looking to clear all available content.
I’d love to have a chat with you ! add me on discord: Qayran#1583

In case you want to have a look :wink: