40 Characters multibox

Multi-boxing is clearly cheating, regardless of Blizzards stance on it. It just means they allow cheating if it makes them more money.


It was actually 32 toons but counting must be hard for you, Sorry you butt hurt by this but multiboxing is allowed and always has been deal with it, dry them tears and carry on lad. GL & HF


The ignorance to the actual TOS regarding multiboxing in this thread is so high. Educate yourself with a few Google searches. Or ya know, you could just turn Warmode off :slight_smile:

The posting of the screenshot including names i believe is against the TOS though
 strange strange people going to the effort to make a forum post about being ganked, we in 2019 right not 2007 :rofl:

What an idiotic comment.

Ah yeah I was just talking about from a World PvP perspective.

Anything that tampers with the economy in a negative way sucks. I don’t mind paying more for herbs because other people put in the effort to get them. I’d take that over cheap botted herbs any day.

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Doesn’t matter what Blizzard says about multiboxxing. Everyone knows, or should know, that they are clearly using additional tools to be able to do this. BUT everyone also knows that this is 1 player, that brings in a lot of money to blizzard
 Its foolish to allow multi boxing.


 we are
 and it’s perfectly allowed. Blizzard has stated this numerous times. You’ve not stumbled upon any hidden secret any more than any of the people who have made this exact same tired point.

A multiboxer is just another wpvp challenge. It’s fun to try and disrupt their herb gathering for example, until they give up on that shard :slight_smile:

Activision doesnt care about bots spamming external sites for illegal boosts with money since they (bots) pay money for subscription .

You think they care about multiboxers?
You silly

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who can help you insta-complete the AOO quest, as I recently found out.


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