40 Characters multibox

Why is this not considered as cheating?

There was a 40 or more characters with similar names, obviously it was one multiboxer who farm kills pressing one button.

Although i am aware of the existence of multi-boxers and i disagree with this “play-style”, i doubt there where 40 multi-boxed characters. Usually there are between 4-5 and 8-10 max. You know what means to run 40 multi-boxed characters? You need at least 4-6 PC’s to do that, not to mention that you need to spend at least 50$ for each acc to buy the game+ 1 month of subscription. And i doubt someone would pour 2000$ in game + another 10=15k for PC’s, just to smack some noobs in wpvp with multi-boxed accounts.
But, i agree with your concern. In my opinion is imoral and unfair and i don’t get why Blizzard allows it.


Whats changes if u get smacked by raid, not multiboxer?

There is one 40 man multiboxer that i know of on silvermoon,
i think it mostly does farming,
so you might have done something to annoy it if you got attacked.


I was just wondering … I doubt this can be handled on one comp so I am guessing this is some sort of IT admin who maintain computers. At night all comps are his to have fun :slight_smile: Additionally, you have to have 40 accounts!

Kinda looks like this

Не получу концетрат из 40 санфаеров и хотя бы смогу прибить 2-3х


U think u Johny Rembo right? For those who don’t know Russian. He said if get attacked by raid, not the multiboxer he can take 2-3 persons with him into graveyard. Oh dear…:smiley:


Thats new…never heard of 40 character multiboxing before…

i did when najatar appeared. a full 10+ team of dks doing same thing. wiped everything in its path. it should be considered cheateing and getting banned


They pay so it’s allowed, meanwhile XP pots you farmed were made grey items because it was considered cheating the leveling… It’s just financially motivated. Although did complete the weekly 25 kills in one go once, multiboxer AFK with 20+ DKs.

Why is nearly always Dks when I encounter them?! Oh yeah… stacking the unholy aura /sigh and pet summons. If it’s a group of 30 DKs he can just create a large lag zone around him. If you were fighting him you had any kind of lag you could imagine. Forget wiping walking lag zone with mutple groups because the other 10 chars were healers.

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Wauw, I haven’t seen or heard about such a thing for years! That is not multiboxing, that is direct cheating and against ToS.
We had it a lot back in the days, where they would execute their chars in a capital city to spell out words (typically advertisement), or to create lag. Now I come to think of it, there was actually one a few years back on Draenor server, who was there with a massive amount of chars, spamming the rainbow toy. It was quite a show. And he was removed rather fast.

Didn’t think people still did this lol.

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I remember in TBC or Wrath (when Elem sham was strong) there was this guy in AB with 5 or 6 elem shamans and he just electrocuted people.

I don’t quite think he was removed from there for that,
must have done something else on the side than show off,
or just quit, can happen too

I remember you at nazjatar couple days ago. I remember you cause I checked your guild to see how many resto shamans and DKs we have. You had 12x DKs and 4resto shammies at lvl 120… I dont have screen shot of you doing this. I dont know about 40 man raid but its def possible multibox 16character. You should know better ofc. We formed alliance raid and barely wiped you 2 times.

I dont know why this kind of playstyle is funny. Farming tmogs/mounts/herbs-mines should be really fun. But when you and ppl like you go out of their way and start ganking ppl at alliance or horde base… I dont see the fun in that.

Someone above asked about difference between raid and multiboxer. If you check the end result there is no difference, you die most of the times. But coordinated attack of any ability almost instantly kills you. I dont remember a single situation horde raid instantly killed me. I have time to react against horde raid. But when its a multiboxer you get hit by same ability x12 times. So if something hits you for 10k its 120k dmg… Its 1/3 of my hp and I have 440ilvl right now. And lets be honest abilities are hitting more than that… Thats one shot for average geared people. I saw Dionosirï gripping and killing people on the spot. At alliance base. So yeah. Multiboxers are more dangerous than a raid group.

I am not salty or anything btw. This guy had bounty on his head. We formed a raid group. Killed his bounty target and I fly away. But still he stood there for atleast 30min and one shotted ppl. I dont know his intention or why he enjoys that kind of thing but its his time. Also Blizzard never gonna ban someone cause of this kind of behaviour. You know whats worth of my opinion to blizzard? Its 12.99Euro. And this guy’s worth is 16times of that. So yeah. I understand this and can live with this fact.

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Going out of my way to kill an alliance is very rare,
usually there is some sort of motive, like Battle of Nazjatar where i need the first kill before battle is over,
or someone attacking, in Legion i could just continue running unless they CCed me, but now with follow removed in pvp combat i can’t,
so i have to kill them to get moving.

And if a few days ago was when i died in the river after that long fight, that was because a raid had already attacked Newhome, so i fought back,
and that led me to there, with follow i could have aborted at any point, without it i have to follow the thing keeping me in combat or find clever ways to move away.

And raid vs multiboxer argument has been exhausted for so long,
the coordination required is not alot, and a focus on raid leader, and raid leader doing “/rw KILL KILL %t” is more effective than me, because a raid isn’t focused on doing that single ability at a time,
they focus on roots, stuns, interrupts, and so on.

I don’t think it really bothers me from a World PvP perspective.
Knowing how much money they’re wasting makes the few minutes I spend avoiding them (and they’re rare anyway) not an issue for me.

Until you realise that these multiboxers are the ones making your servers economy completely worthless:

You picking one herb: 20g
Them picking one herb with 10: 200g

your sales are now officially worthless, they can sell at 1/10th of the price that you can and still earn a full gold value while you selling at 1/10th makes it so unprofitable that there is no point in doing that for gold.

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If you think we would sell it at 1/10th of the normal price you must be out of your mind,

only botters do that, because they can farm for days without stopping.

1/10th was only an example number.