4000 series GPU, DX12 performing much worse than DX11

So as the title says i upgraded from a 2070S to a 4090 FE just a week ago.
I have been mostly playing D4 and tried Cyberpunk with PT etc. and everything runs like a dream.

Now coming back to WoW (i did some stuff before the patch with the new GPU too, same problem) i noticed that my FPS in Valdrakken were quite alot lower than with my old GPU.
Used to have 80+ with a 5800X3D with DX12.
Now i have around 60 (even with the same settings as the 2070S before) with DX12.

The funny thing is, i switched to DX11 and my FPS went up to 70+, reproducable.
With my old GPU they went down.
I’m using the hotfix driver atm, version 546.08 but after reading some posts and on reddit i tried the older recommended 537.58 with no change at all.
Back on the hotfix now.

Before anyone asks, no nothing else has changed, addons updated, tried even without addons. Makes zero difference.

Also i noticed with Afterburner OSD on, that with DX12 my GPU load was ~40% (~60 FPS) and ~60%(~70+) with DX11.

Now you could think that because of the higher load i get more FPS, that’s not the case.
I can crank up everything, even renderscale to 5K (1440P native *200%) and my FPS don’t change (in Valdrakken).
So it clearly is still a CPU-limit (as expected).
Though it should be the other way around, less overhead with DX12 (as with my 2070S before).

Even when flying around in the DF zones my FPS are worse than before with DX12 on at same settings (can’t reach and hold 144, my screen refreshrate).
With DX11 i can.

What the hell is going on?
Anyone else experiencing this behavior and maybe even has a solution?

Imagine buying a new GPU, more than 3x as fast and having worse performance… :crazy_face:

Also the stuttering seems to have worsened again since they mostly fixed it with 10.1(?).
Even just summoning my mount i get a big frametime spike, every time.

I’m standing at the questgiver before the Emerald Dream portal now and the difference between DX11 and 12 is even bigger now.
Avg with DX11 is 120+ FPS (which is already too low imho).
Avg with DX12 is 90…

I forgot one important thing, even though the FPS with DX11 are higher, G-sync does not work and thus DX12 still feels alot smoother.
The framepacing when turning the camera with DX11 is horrible.

Standin in the “Fields of Reverie” now just a bit beyond the portal doing the campaign, i was testing some more.
Now grab a seat if you aren’t sitting already.
Resolution scale at 125% my FPS are slightly above 100 at 70-75% GPU load.
Going down to 100% gives me a 30 FPS gain BUT at the same GPU load.
Same GPU clocks, temp, everything.
This is seriously some Bethesda level of engineering here…


AS u said, this happens because ur card isn’t load enough and it’s going to lower power mode with lower gpu’s frequency (for example if u use msi afterburner u can see at curve editor voltage vt mhz diagram how it works).
U can try Reflex+Boost setting in Graphic settings, Nvidia’s techology for lower input lag, but that “+boost” must make ur gpu works at full power voltage mode, atleast at basic values ( graphic chip at 2.5 ghz and 21ghz ram i guess )

And if u use fullhd Monitor probably u won’t can get higher fps with ur cpu and gpu because it has too few instructions to render at that resolution to load ur gpu.
I will reccomend u get qhd/uhd monitor

To see what’s im talking about here is some tests with 5800x3d and RTX 4070 TI

Full HD 1920x1080 https://youtu.be/lLk8T-sqCNk?si=01NGHaJjDbNFlF-7
QHD 2560x1440 https://youtu.be/x9jXpEJ_Nvs?si=tQ6uveUmCvX9elax
UHD 3840 Ă— 2160 https://youtu.be/FV1k50HNZMI?si=J0CAkN92rCbEAE78

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It is not. Seems like you did not read my post :slight_smile:

For example, in D4 my GPU is running at like half the max clockspeed, 1300 something instead of 2700Mhz and my FPS are stable at 144 WITH DLAA using only like 180W.

The GPU should always use the minimum power it needs for the FPS when capped.
This is normal behaviour and does not decrease performance.

Also does not explain the weird things with DX11/12 and also supersampling.
There is something really wrong in the code of this engine.

I did, literally no difference with any setting.

I’m using a 1440P / 144Hz G-sync display as mentioned in my post.

I know what a CPU-limit is and in Valdrakken e.g. we are (since you have the same CPU) still very much limited by it (singlethreading engine says hello).

My main problem is the performance difference between DX11 and 12, which should be the other way around.
Can you check in Valdrakken how your FPS changes with each setting plz?

I have a 5800X3D and a Geforce 3080 and used to have 90 fps in Valdrakken. Now since a few days ago im down to 30-40 and ALL the graphic settings are identical in Nvidia control panel and inside WoW. 3DMark gives top score, BF2042 and Cyberpunk works flawless (they have DLSS though) and its JUST wow. My voltage of the GPU goes down a lot, the temperature is really low… Im using Nvidia Reflex+Boost but the clock speed is still running quite low on the card.

Something has happened to WoW, or at least to me. Used DDU and cleaned my drivers, tested some older drivers and the newest… no luck.

Wow is marked as high performance inside Windows.

if i fly OUT of Valdrakken then the voltage and clock speeds of the GPU goes up… WTF?

So I had the same issue of baseline CPU bound performance dropping to like 40-50 like you, also with a 5800x3D, and the only thing that fixed it was a clean Windows installation on a freshly formatted SSD.

Important to mention that a regular Windows installation before that didn’t fix it, I did try and the game still ran awfully at around 40-50 in Valdrakken main square, then I formatted the whole SSD, installed Windows and WoW again, and it jumped to 70-90 at the seme spot.

Now I have a 7800x3d and I’m barely getting better performance because the game is just trash from the technical perspective. I’m now in the 80-100 range in Val and there’s constant microstutter again everywhere, it happens in dungeons and raids, can happen anywhere when dragon riding and happens all the time when party/raid members are looting stuff.

They probably lost their OG engineers (who also sucked because the game has always had embarassing CPU usage) and the new ones are even worse because they don’t know how to use the archaic engine. The stuff they did in 10.1 also messed up the game with Zaralek probably being loaded in to some degree at all times, and the next expansion will heavily rely on the same tech so it’s only gonna get worse.

Did it get worse overnight? Even my PC is starting to somewhat struggle in Valdrakken

Typical case of CPU-limit.

Yeah, even at 90 FPS in Valdrakken the microstutter is real… it just feels awful even turning the camera around.

Well to be fair when WoW released dualcore CPUs weren’t even the norm :smiley:

I still have hope that they will at least fix some of the problems introduced with DF-prepatch.

I’m at 70ish FPS right now on a full server. So it’s okish… not great. Used to have 80-90 before the patch.
My 4090 is at ~100W and below 40% load, the fans aren’t even turning on… :smiley:
But the worst scenario is the Superbloom with lots of players, dropping me down to 30ish FPS at worst.
Even with settings on 1 i can’t hold 60 when everyone is blasting the adds.

There is overall problem with WoW after last update.
RX users in some cases got random crashes on DX12 and need to play on DX11, and from what i recall getting similar problems with FPS like you guys.
For me personally 2 of 3 clients don’t even start on DX12 had to change for retail and vanilla to DX11 and most funny thing that Wotlk running on DX12. Blizzard broke smth at some point on last updates.
Link to RX users topic

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