405 UD Mistweaver LF raiding/M+ guild

As my current guild recently changed raid-times, and our M+ teams are fixed ,I am finding myself in need of looking elsewhere for raiding and M+.
As I usually work nightshifts, there’s only some days a week I am able to raid evening/nights: Thursdays, Sundays and usually Mondays or Tuesdays.

I am playing Horde on Aggramar, but for the right peoples I have no problem server and/or factionchanging (however I do looove Undeads <3)

I have played since -05 and raided every expansion since then.
I’ve mained healer since Wrath, and have the most experience with Restoration Druid, Restoration Shaman and Mistweaver Monk.

I have terrible humour, I am a loyal person and believe in treating people nicely, and expect the same curtesy from others.

I am looking for a mature (not ERP-Mature haha) guild, with raiding experience without extreme elitism.
HC raiding and M+ keys :slight_smile:

Feel free to drope me a note on Battlenet if you have questions :slight_smile: Akumi#2949

[H] Memento vivere is a casual raiding guild on Draenor. Currently 7/9 HC. We raid 20.00-23.00 on wednesdays and sundays. We also do some mythic plus. You are welcome to join how much and how often you’d like.

Contact me on bnet or discord if you’re intressted

Bnet Natchie#21590
Discord Natchie#9018

No Pressure - Horde guild playing on the connected realms of Shattered Halls (Shattered Halls / Balnazzar / Ahn’Qiraj / Trollbane / Talnivarr / Chromaggus / Boulderfist / Daggerspine / Laughing Skull / Sunstrider). We all communicate in english and use Discord for raiding.

Current progress:

HC BoD 9/9 Mythic BoD 1/9

Raiding schedule:

Wednesday 21:00-23:30 CET Sunday 21:00-23:30 CET

Contact me here or whisper in game:
Alternatively contact one of the guild members:
Scrubcake-Talnivarr, Bisquitzlul-ShatteredHalls or Purple#22450 if you are interested or have any questions.