Update: currently in trial.
Hi there,
so far i have been struggling finding a home for my druid. I have tanked, healed and played it as rdps. I bring a mature, relaxed but focused state of mind. When not raiding, i am trying to push M+ (so far 15+ only sadly) and improve my gameplay. My gear is always gemmed / enchanted and my bags filled with herbs, flasks and pots. Even some cauldrons
Used to get at least Curve, but haven’t got it yet due to the struggle of finding the right guild.
I am looking for a long lasting 2 day raidguild that is allready pushing first mythic bosses or about to. Raidtimes that i would be happy with are between 19:00 and 23:00 during the week (weekends are for real life). At this point i am willing to server transfer and faction change if needed. I am done with swapping guilds and running M+ with pug groups. Would be a big plus when the average age is a bit higher as i said goodbye to my 20’s several years ago 
Grtz Wis
Hi Wisnix,
I’m still interested in chatting with you when you’re next online please, already have you added on battle.net (wilsonnxo#2881).
Many thanks.
Yes we keep missing the chance to have a chat, but i have you in my friends-list. Short term i’m looking for curve, but for after i am really looking for a guild that at least kills some bosses in mythic raiding. Just to be clear 
Hi Wisnix,
A member of Consortium has replied to your other post which you marked as ‘can be deleted’.
Just posting the same below here in case you might miss it there!
Hi Wisnix,
We are currently looking for a couple more DPS to round out our roster. We raid 2 nights a week, Wednesday and Monday, 19:30-22:30. Our current progression is 9/9 Normal and 4/9 Heroic. We’ve only recently revived the guild, and are focused on building up a solid roster of core raiders. We also run M+ together, but are still working on structuring this a bit more. We currently aim for all to get their +10 weekly done, and have a few pushing higher keys, but would love to do more of it. 
We’re on Ravencrest, so realm and faction change would not be necessary. You can check out our recruitment post here: [A] (Ravencrest) <Consortium> Casual-Prog 4/9 HC raiding team LF core members
You’re also more than welcome to add my battletag for a chat: Alvala#2288
Best regards,
Looking forward to hearing from you!
1 Like
Thanks Tobias! Just noticed the change of the other post, glad you caught it as well. 
I will add you later for a chat; plz know that my goals are to get curve this tier asap. Then moving towards mythic raiding 
Grts Wis
Hey! I am from Salutem 7/9 Heroic looking to finish up and pushing Mythic soon. We’re looking for good DPS or a Healer. Most of our raiders are early 20’s or below but we have raiders from all age groups. We raid Thursday and Tuesday from 19-22 ST Please add me on bnet: Lettuce#21367 if you’re interested in a chat 
Hey mate! im comfident that i have the right guild for you!
Divided - a horde guild i run on The Maelstrom server
Website: divided (dot) enjin (dot) com.
We are currently 3/9 Mythic looking to go further.
Our raid times: mon-wed 20.00-23.00
In order to secure our progression we are in need of competetive dps and it sounds that you would be an excellent fit!
Apply on our website or add my Battle tag:
Best wishes
Hey Mate!
Our guild is still looking for the last couple of people to ensure a decent Mythic roster. We are 6% off from a Curve kill currently, so trying to expand so we can get to do Mythic 
2 Days raids from 19:45 till 23:00 on monday and wednesday!
Chuck me a battlenet message!