It takes longer to que for a solo shuffle than sitting in lfg XD

how very funny for a dps to have to play a healer because sitting in solo que takes just as long if NOT longer for a dps than finding any1 to play with in lfg , rofl

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Because healer in solo shuffle is hard tu get rating?

Queue on my lock says 7 mins… let’s see how long it takes actually.

i have been sitting in a que for 47 min as of now :smiley: , first of the day the issue is that when you finally get in ur no longer pumped to reck, your just tilted it took so long,

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I’m already in the mood not to play, since i didn’t saw any change that would fix the queues in the patch notes. I’m just checking the queues…average wait time 6mins and i’m already at 13…

im nearing 1 hour ^^

It is Wednesday at 1p.m. a lot of people work out doing other rl stuff… what did you expect?


well it was tuesday yesterdays and i didnt sit in a 1 hour que ^^ 10 min or 15 min tops , so i expected something abit faster on the day of reset :stuck_out_tongue: because of conquest farm

But it is the day where the people have time to shower till next reset :smiley:

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sho…we…r? not sure what you mean, o.O SPEAK ENGLISH MAN!

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Made my day great answer.

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Dude most people are at work right now or eating lunch. Try again when people are actually playing like in a few hours.

NO. cater to my need, i demand! I COMMAND! OBEY! obey!!

There weren’t any issues with LFG if you were a healer tbh. Found lots of people to play with in SL S1 within a few minutes (and I was new to the game without any achievements from previous expansions). The issues occured for people who queued up as a dps because where weren’t enough healers around.

I’m honestly surprised that people are surprised about having queue times. On top of that, soloq as a healer is one of the most miserable experiences and there are only 2 healers right now on which it’s remotely tolerable to play the mode at all. I queued on this char a few times and will now stop playing the mode. On my alt I only played it to cap the vault without putting any effort into it.

Why on earth would healers play this mode when they have no problems to find people to play with to begin with? Queue times in Overwatch have also been ridiculous for dps players because people didn’t want to play tanks/supports. They should give shuffle a similar treatment - make it 4v4 with 3 dps and heavily buff healers to compensate for the additional dps (more throughput, passive stun/lockout reduction, more mana rec etc).

The role won’t become popular, on my priest for example I got tripple sheeped in the opener by a mage out of stealth and my team completely ignored me despite me begging them to watch out for that - 3 times. They charge into the enemy team and die instead. So next time I trinket the opener, doesn’t matter because I just get stunned again by a spriest and my team dies again. Nope, not gonna play that mode. You just get bullied by dps classes and have to rely on your team to stop them because Blizz doesn’t give most healers the needed tools to defend themselves against the endless bulls*** mechanics which they gave to dps classes.

Call me crazy, but this mode sucks donkey d**** for healers, especially for new players because of the amount of burst dmg, low healing throughput, dampening, cc and kicks. Fake cast your heal 3 times to bait out a kick against an unkiteable meele, finally get that kick just to get stunned on your next cast and get an overtuned heal debuff on top of dampening on you when you come out. Much fun.

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I got in after 30 mins, played for 7 mins.

I agree, it’s not prime time, but i have tried different times of the day and it’s the same.
It doesn’t have much to do about this, because more people doesn’t actually mean more healers for the same DPS pool ratio. It means 3x the pool of DPS and 1,5x the healers player pool.


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Queue popped after 10 minutes, someone didn’t accept it, still waiting 45 minutes later for it to pop again. I’d love to get at least one solo shuffle in today :neutral_face:

I agree, as i play healer and DPS… healer needs triple the effort than the DPS to be effective because in reality everyone’s bad plays fall on you to correct along your own bad plays .
And it’s very easy to miscommunicate and misuse CDs because there is no actual communication.
On other hand people don’t accept any viable solution to fix the queues. I don’t know.
In my case i see solo shuffle as training… many combos you’ll play (either you want it or not) , and practically the worse situation you can face in arena (because no communication). I wouldn’t ever care about rating, because i get nothing out of it…
I mean you play to win, anyone does… but if you want to push ratings can easily try any bracket as a healer.

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I wouldn’t mind. i’d play my tanks also along my DPS and healer specs. More specs to play if anything.

The snowflakes blamed tanks for them being hardstuck 1.8 for 10 years.

We need tanks to replace healers asap.