416 ilvl spriest LF casual raiding guild

Hi, I am currently looking for a casual raiding guild that clears heroic / dabbles in mythic.

I am available to raid on tue/thus and sat nights

Currently main a spriest (416 ilvl) but have multiple classes at 120 which I can pick up and play to a high standard, I can play as dps or healer have monk, Druid, pala and sham at 120 and around 400ilvl.

I am from the UK and I am 32 so I’m a mature player.
I have got aotc for as long as I can remember and touched in some mythic progression up to bod before server changing to draenor.

Any other information you need I can gladly give.


Hey Puriity,
Digital Doom currently recruiting range players for filling our ranks for HC and Mytic
if you are interested in join us add me on B net for a chat

Added you a bnet mate

if your still looking for a new home check us out

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