445 Disc Priest LF 1 night a week raid team

Well met,

I main a disc priest and due to limited time can only raid once a week. If there are any AOTC guilds that offer this within a relaxed enviroment, I would be keen to chat.

I also like healing keys

Hi Champion
Check out Aged - Ravencrest - Alliance. We are primarly consist of people 30+ with work and families. We raid one day a week. Sunday. The aim is AOTC every tier We do have quite a few healers but would you be open to play dps in raids? for mythic+ we always need healers - contact me on Discord if your interested aethel1723

Hey there, i think we might be a good match, ill link you our recruitment post, read it and come back to me if ypu like it :blush:

We do raid 2 times a week, but ppl are allowed to join in whenever they can, sono issues about that :blush:


Our guild will be starting a social raid in S3 that will run Sunday nights from 2100-0000 server. We currently have healer and DPS spots open for this.

This is a link to our recent recruitment post: [EU] [DRAENOR] <Perfectly Balanced> Chill AOTC & Mythic+ Guild

If you’re interested or have any questions then please get in touch via discord: ellie7765

Good luck with your search :slight_smile: