The WoW Summer Sale is Here!

The WoW Summer Sale is Here!

Welcome summer with great WoW® deals. Save up to 50% off on Dragonflight, Pets, Mounts, and more from now through July 4!

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Those Transmogs are super cheap!

Shame I have them all already :rofl:

A good deal for those who haven’t got them and have been thinking about it.


Thanks for that :slight_smile:

Man… Race change to maghar orc seems tempting for the blackrock skin colour, but I wouldn’t wanna lose my heritage armor. Can you just implement the one from eitrigg in the heritage amor quest chain? It’s a blackrock orc.

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Stop forcing the poor man to beg
Eitrigg skin colour!


Why is changing battletag not reduced?

Your first change is free, or have you done that already?

42 pop for a bunch of mogs is cheap?! Rather the original 105 was downright ridiculous.
Oh well, to each their own i guess :face_with_spiral_eyes:

I believe that most of the discounted transmogs and mounts and pets will be obtainable for free via Amazon Prime membership or in game trading post in 10 years of time for people patient enough to wait.

Yet some will complain they paid for that and people getting them for free.

Content being put in the store rather than in game is never a good deal.

We pay 130€/year + 60€ every two years to play this game.
There are huge service fees for simple stuff such as changing your name, race or realm.
Plenty of 25€ mounts.

And now, even new armor comes in the store? Are we are celebrating it?

I agree with this part. Those should be half of what they are without any sale going on.

Depends if you’re paying with Cash, or paying with Gold.

Each to their own I guess.

Personally, I have no issue with a Subscription for the game. I have paid it in the past, and if I didn’t have the gold I have now, I would pay it now (as Dragonflight is worth it).

But for Store Transmogs and Mounts I see them as part of the game earning the gold to buy them. And if Blizz make a bit of money out of it, because some guy has too much IRL money and wants to waste it on some Digital Game gold for Boosts, then it’s all win win.

You should agree with the entire thing.
There is no justification for a game as expensive as WoW to even have an in game store in the first place.

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It’s call upselling.

Buying a burger? Would you like Fries with that?
Can I get a JD and Coke? Is that a double?
Buying a new TV? Do you need insurance with that?
New Phone? Protective Case?
Buying the new Game? Want a cool Cosmetic Armour or Mount to get you going?

It’s perfectly common practice.

Oh, it’s “common”.

Okay then. That means it’s a good thing.

Well it doesn’t mean it’s automatically a bad thing either.

You can choose not to like it, but it doesn’t mean it should go away.

How other people choose to spend their money is not up to you, or me, or anyone else but themselves.

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Irrelevant. The discussion isn’t about how other people spend their money.

It’s about how Blizzard is selling new content for real life currencies, rather than putting them in the game as rewards for overcoming World of Warcraft related challenges.

I have all of these appearances and earnt them by all through playing the game. Blizzard have not taken any of my IRL money from me since 1 month in BFA when I returned to the game.

So, you are incorrect I’m afraid, all store items are available through the game.

But even so, I don’t see the issue with selling Cosmetics on the store. They’re not content, they offer no advantage to the buy over other players. They are there to make your player look pretty and nothing else.

Oh and BTW, if we’re discussing in-game shop and why it exists, we are discussing how other people want to spend their money.

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Not everyone is auction house goblin like you Billy :smile:

This new transmog pack shows me it is only 25€ it seems I already had most of them but I will not buy the rest even if they pay me, such low quality and uninspired sets…

Same as the GW2 shop, yes.

But then those items are meaningless. They’re not tokens of your adventures or actions.
They’re just something you bought to dress up your virtual doll.

From a game design standpoint, it’s extremely lame.