Enhance Your Style with Two New Transmog Sets!

Enhance Your Style with Two New Transmog Sets!

Let your personal style bloom with the Corsage Pack or make an impression as you keep watch with the Solemn Watchman’s Garb—available for a limited time.

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Sorry, but the corsages are pretty useless as they don’t work with any type of glove transmog (even the smallest, flattest ones).

And that ‘Garb’ set just looks ugly. I wouldn’t even pay tender for that; let alone actual money.


more like Solemn Watchman’s Garbage lmao


so its £4.50 for 200 tender then.

that you said you wouldn’t sell


This looks like a questing set.

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Socializing the masses slowly to the change I see



It’s my fault.
I made a post right before this asking for more quest looking gear.
I’m glad they listened so quickly but I forgot to specify ‘not for irl money’

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Such a good deal, this would cost you 25 in Diablo 4.

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Not only that, it would be class restrictive too!


Trader’s Tender won’t be sold as a standalone product, but may be included as part of various deluxe editions or bundles in the future.

Sucks, but expected.

You can just wait a few months and it’ll be on the Trading Post. :blush:

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Maybe ive not paid much attention, but didnt blizzard JUST add a mog set? and this looks like bloody quest rewards gear!!


I guess this was to be expected. I just hope people are smart enough not to fall for this… Wait, no scratch that, I have no hope at all for that.

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-white noise-


This could be a good thing, maybe they saved some high effort designed work for actual in game achievements? LOL jk

It will be on the trading post in a few months.
It’s not a store set. It’s a trading post set they’re ‘pre-selling’. Just like they did with that awful Medivh ‘set’.

Definetly. WoW is going down the same sad route as OW. And everything else I guess.

I’m too old for this stuff. At least I think it’s my age.

ah ok

I can cope with that!

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It’s weird though that they’re doing this with ugly sets (subjective, I know).
You’d think good sets would sell better. But meh…

Yeah. This has become the sad reality. Otherwise we would never have seen game after game fall into this buisness model.