Introducing the World of Warcraft® BlizzCon Guild Clash!

Introducing the World of Warcraft® BlizzCon Guild Clash!

WoW® Esports is excited to present the latest competitive showcase live from BlizzCon® 2023, featuring Echo, Golden Guardians, Liquid, and Method! These top guilds will be pitted against one another in a series of World of Warcraft® competitions to determine which guild will emerge victorious!

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I’m super excited about this too. Hooray. Woo. Truly the event of the year.


The what now?


So whats the promotion gonna be to attract us, the casuals viewers, who dont get to comprehend whats happening on the screen?


Very much this. Unfortunately I have three days of dishes to do, so I’m afraid I’ll miss this thrilling ride.


They gonna show a barbie house on screen for you all so you can write a 50 page long fanasy dissertation on player housing.

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Jokes on you, I am against housing :^)
I am team boat…

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Is Kubzy healing for Echo’s Arena team due to Mehh being unavailable to make it? Or is Kubzy healing full-time for them now? First Chanimal, and now Kubzy…It’s turning into EchoCloud9 lol

/sarcasm ???!

I fear I might be busy sorting socks and reorganizing the kitchen drawers. Possibly sowing some grass as well.

I hope a kraken eats it.

Who me? Never, nope.


Oh good I was worried for a moment.
We all know this is Blizzard’s most important thing going on at Blizzcon!


Spiteful housekeeper cannot appreciate a perfection which is a personal ship.
You will live the Ogrimmar phazed pod and eat the the residents of Silithus while I will navigate the Hidden seas.

Ew. Dude!

Housing easnt cheap…

Neither are boats. :kissing_heart:

I can fish on the boat though!

If you have a pond in your house’s garden, you can fish in the house too!
You could also put a nice big aquarium in it.

You managed to make boating even worse.

Me and manual labour to keep the weeds from overtaking… i dont think so.

“In your head,
in your head,

There’s no such thing in WoW.
Anyway you can put some nice stone tiles down.