Wrath of the Lich King Classic Patch Notes - Version 3.4.3

Imagine working at Blizzard and not knowing the difference between Ancestral Healing and Ancestral Awakening?!?!
Why even give us patchnotes if they are wrong.


This is actually a pretty weird way to phrase
“we actually didn´t have the Roleplayers in mind when we killed of their realms last year, we just wanted to get rid off the realms we never wanted and the players were begging for”


Very disappointing. No balance changes for healers. Especially for Holy Priests and Restodruids.

Yo can someone please confirm for sure that there will be no change to honor gear available/honor cost after patch?

I am sitting on honor points and I’d like to know if I can spend now or if I should wait for patch to go live in case better gear is available thursday.



Can we use dungeon finder to play low level dungeons like ragefire chasm with my friend ? I mean we join into the que and we get teleport to the dungeon instantly , or we can only make a group for it and we have to invite players one by one and after that we have to run to the entrance and summon them?

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The weekly raid quest will become available when Icecrown Citadel opens.


Can i get a clear confirmation on when are all the features are going to come out like date and hour for EU ? i don’t talk about ICC i only talk about the FEATURES like RFD, Gamma etc…
Thanks bois


We will be able to use dungeon finder for every dungeon, group finder will still be a thing if you prefer using it

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When will RDF will be available for use in EU Realms?
Date and Time.


What happens if we already raided togc for example and then the quest turns out to be for togc? How do we get those 10 Emblems or are they just lost because of your decision?

Will exploits like nitro boost with flag, missing debuff for flags held or simply the end timer on WSG ever fixed or nah? It was reported a year ago…

Also why we have item level limit on dungeons when the tooltips (still) not display the items ilevel? Why we are forced to use random thirdparty addons for stuff that was in the original wotlk already?

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Did you guys forgot to make the furious gladi set purchasable with honor or is it intentional? or am i too stupid to find it.

Let’s make it so individuals you can’t put yourself in QUE for looking for raid… That’s a really good idea…

Only idiots working at blizzard?
How is this helping hosting and joining raids at all…

What happend with the PvP section in LFG?

Please dont say this was intentional. How are people supposed to find Arena partners now?

What did you expect? People who listen to any stupid player wish can’t be anything but. Everyone here wanted RDF because “it wuz alrdy in wotlk!” so Blizzard added RDF just as it was in WotLK. You should be happy, because apparently this saved the game, made dungeons 10000 times better and made the game more fun for everyone except some sad boomers who don’t know what fun is, according to people posting on these very forums.

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Bring back flaying at the violet citadel in dalaran. So many bugs, lags, bots etc. and You triggered when someone know WotLK little more than the others and u said “go back to the line nerd”

Where is the RDF??

It’s in the game, what do you mean?

wow thats so epic omg!!!