Ring in the New Year with the January Trading Post

Ring in the New Year with the January Trading Post

Time is on your side with this month’s signature item—the Golden Mobile Timepiece transmog.

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some nice stuff. Thats Wastewander set is really cool.

the watch is a bit “meh”. Those of us that don’t use RP mogs have no use for rubbish like that.

Fortunately, I’m going be spending my January in Central America and the Caribbean.

So make sure you save all the good stuff for April when I get back. Have a good Xmas and New Years all.

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I hope the totems aren’t race locked. They’ll go well with the Warden outfit on my undead DK.


Worst one yet.

Probably the first one I’ll buy nothing from


There’s some cool things on there but honestly it feels like this is the third bonus item in a row (I like the rest thats on offer) that feels weak

Edit: I personally feel that the shields and weapons are overpriced and twice as expensive as they should be (= I’m willing to spend tender on)

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Nice wrist watch

there have been many of them :slight_smile:
I have 7500 Trader’s Tender, there hasn’t really been anything that I just MUST have

Let me guess, the watch is a wrist item and will get covered completely by gloves? :+1:

Please put either the beetle or the full transmog set as the main reward.

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Seems so:

Why is everything so overpriced? A cloak for 500? Single weapons for 500? With a monthly budget of 1000, there’s no reason why the total offerings are selling for a total of 8500!


Only things I like the look of are the Pterrodax and the rifle. rest is kind of blerch and as for the monthly reward, that’s just so bad. I really hope the Trading Post isn’t going to be dropped like a bad habit like most things are when the devs get bored of it.

maybe only the mount. the rest looks meh

Two mounts, I won’t be able to afford both



Again nothing interesting for me.


time to swipe that card i guess

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Not going to lie, really disappointing monthly reward.
Going from a great mount a year ago that could be sold on the trading post for 900 tenders (if Celestial Steed is any indication) or even 1000, to a watch that is worth 300 if I’m being generous. Put the Beetle mount or the transmog set in it’s place instead…


Looks like they don’t have plans to make a non color changing version of the armor.

which one ? the warden ? they said they will do it

Oh they put it after the big picture… while before the picture specifically stating “color-shifting transmog”.

That’s a really annoying layout.

Because if they made everything on the trading post affordable it wouldnt be so lucrative for blizzard to add tender items in the store. Its done like this in most mmos with cash shops. make the regular items look cheap in comparison and people will be more willing buy the shiny thinkits for a good extra $$$.