Hello all!
Guardians of the Plume is a 2 night weekday Mythic guild.
We are currently 4/8 Mythic! Looking to come back strong(er) for 11.1.
If you’re up for a joke and are not looking for the pressure that comes with hardcore world rank raiding, but still want to progress as far as possible in mythic, please drop us a note! Our aim is to clear bosses with the comp available, so no one will be forced into playing and preparing multiple alts that does not want to. While CE is on the table as one of our goals, it’s not something we hardforce using overtime and extra raid nights. The advertised raid nights are it.
At what times do we play?
Monday and Thursdays 20:00-23:00 Server Time.
Be able to take a joke!
Most of the fun for us is hanging out with friends and down bosses together. We obviously won’t purposefully offend anyone, but don’t be surprised if a few jokes are made at your expense if you keep standing in fire.
Know and learn your class!
We expect you to know what you are doing in your chosen class. If you’re not performing well enough we expect you to be able to take advice to heart and act on it.
Stay up to date!
Anyone wanting to step into raids with us should be willing to keep their gear enchanted, gemmed, and the like. We also expect everyone to do atleast some Mythic plus every week (emergencies barred) to get the gear they need. You don’t have to pug it, usually there will be group runs, but you can’t start out a tier with raidlogging.
What are we looking for?
We are specifically looking for any dps and healers.
If you are interested, please feel free to reach out, preferably through Discord:
Discord: lunaface
Discord: vang3272
Discord: devillings