Why did you implement this stupid thing? What was the problem before? Remove this system. Make it as it was before. I am tired of downloading patches every week, sometimes every day.
I don’t really see the problem. It takes just a minute for them to download. How else are they supposed to fix bugs in the game?
How else were they fixing it? I don’t have a fast connection and I can’t change it. It’s not about having money.
They weren’t! Not so long ago we’d have to wait weeks sometimes months for the kind of fixes we see in Dragonflight.
Indeed, and the patches would be much bigger and take a lot longer to download as a result.
My patch is at Initializing, going at about 15KB per second. After 5 mins it’s still only at 37/390.56 MB. I don’t know why but the last few patches have been so slow, while in the past the downloads were super fast…
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