Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

Get an Early Look at Eight New Hero Talent Trees

Hero Talents are a new evergreen form of character progression that will be introduced with the release of The War Within expansion. In this article, we take a closer look at the philosophies around Hero Talents for eight more trees.

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Where is voidweaver Blizz? :octopus:

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Next time can we please see something for monk.
We dont need druid every time. There are other classes…


Where shaman? Will see it at the end of beta?


Looks good but kinda disappointed that the rumors of the Elune’s Chosen modifying spell appearances didn’t come to anything so far. Would love an astral, Night-Warrior style appearance for solar spells as a Balance Druid or some night-rake effects for Guardian.

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I think forcing Killing Spree in Outlaw for Trickster is a bad call.

I think the Feint change is pretty cool.

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There is no thematical overlap for wildstalkers two specs. It’s purely mechanical with damage/healing over time.

The warlock naming needs to be sorted out.

Diabolist, we don’t pull demons from hell! Hellcaller, again… did you have an intern pick these names, who was only there to make coffee for the Diablo 4 team?

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They’re okay. They don’t excite me. I couldn’t even read all of colossus because it sounded so blah. I don’t feel like I want to make a specific alt for anything EXCEPT for destro lock.

Diabloist is the only hero talent that has actually looked interesting to me - throwing fireballs and summoning uber demons randomly? The chaos it beautiful and it is like a mash of the two specs, which is honestly what I was expecting the whole hero talent thing to be.

As some others have said, it seems like some of these hero talents e.g. wildstalker, are just pulled out of thin air without much lore and theme thought to it, because you needed x amount of hero talent options per class. There’s Dark Ranger and Sentinel for Hunters then… Pack Leader. Where did that come from?
Rogue has Deathstalker, which is the undead name for rogues and then two random names.

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The Feral side of wildstalker seems very uninspired basically just giving feral a random proc bleed which we have no control over except every 45 seconds which gives us a slight damage boost, I would have liked to see something that would change the playstyle for example the tier set we are currently playing with is a very good and well thought out idea which changes our playstyle, this talent tree with its 15 talent choices doesn’t seem to achieve that at all.

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Hopefully the monk delay is because they are finally going to sort the monk class tree out first? yes yes yes… I know.

I don’t know what I was expecting with hero talents but this isn’t it. Sunspots for paladin? Where did that come from?

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Warlock one seems really good, more so for demo than destro but looks great.

Probably themed towards (tauren) sunwalkers, which is pretty cool imo.

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Yeah I got that part but you’re not your spec any more you’re a sunwalker or light smith or Templar.

Sunspot sounds lame tbh. Out of the paladin fantasies out theres it’s a bit meh.

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Id be more optimistic if one of there hero talent trees didnt come with a disclaimer they are going to rework the main tree to make talents used more accessible :stuck_out_tongue:


Got a feeling it’ll be lame, revolving around the amount of different DoTs you’ve cast on the enemy.

I hope the fact no shaman tree is revealed is because you are working hard on Ele / resto class/spec trees because they need it. Even though the lack of addressing shaman issues in DF might point toward the fact it’s because it’s a low prio class…


“ScaleCOMMANDER” → Has almost 0 ally buffing capability. Why am I not surprised.

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thats nothing new mate. The warlock hellfire aoe skill for example and hellfire peninsula also has been around since wc3.

And it still can be easily explained if we ever go to the fel lands by adding a place named hell there or something wich shortens to hell


Perfect example from our very on WC3! (Note: language because that apparently traumatizes someone).

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