4days no response and no transfer

Since last friday i have done a server change and after 4 days still no response neither on ticket support nor the server change is happening and cant play even my character. You guys wrote it takes several minutes, but not 4 days.

Hello Dehiradr,

It does sound like something’s not quite right in that case, though I’m afraid it’s not something we can help with via the forums and you’ll need to wait for a reply to your current ticket.

I understand it’s frustrating to wait and we’re working hard to get back to everyone as quickly as possible, and if it’s been that long already you should be getting a reply shortly now.

Thanks for your patience and hopefully you’ll get some good news soon!


Just need to make sure that you’re able to transfer from one realm to another… Like some transfers are not allowed like classic games… so we just need to make sure you’ve selected the correct option and realm for your transfer.

They wouldn’t of been able to select a character or relam that was illegible during the selection process so that’s very unlikely to be the case.

It’s highly likely Tyrskorn checked that anyway, and that the OP had a ticket open but they can’t help with account issues nor jump tickets in the que.

Says 4 days and includes the weekends where only critical stuff is done.

Are you getting an error or is it just not showing up on the target realm?