4th Generation Dk's

So, what exactly is up with 4th gen dk’s? Do we have any information about if/how they are different than the others gens? Would they be less tormented by their existence?
Considering they were made by a different (slightly nicer) Lich King I’d assume so, things like killing those who don’t repress their emotions well enough during training would seem less likely for instance.

The game offers very little information though from what I’ve gathered so I’d be curious about headcanons or known lore bits that are hidden here and there if anyone has any.

I agree with your sentiment;
my allied race DKs
(and if anyone wants to RP other recently raised DKs)
are less gloomy than the 3rd gen. ones,

and I also RP them less emotionally stumped,
because I figure at least some of that emotionally-stumped-ness comes from being forced to commit mass murder.

My 4th gen. DKs are more like,

“I died, but got a second chance. It does come at a price, and the price is, I have to stay in the Lich King’s good graces, and I have to inflict suffering (upon the wicked).”


Well, supposedly they all agreed to become what they are in order to protect Azeroth, so in this regard they’re already vastly different from the previous DKs.

The Lich King is no more though.

It doesn’t sound like there was a choice involved – It’s briefly touched upon in the short story Blizzard put out before Shadowlands launched. https://worldofwarcraft.com/en-us/story/short-story/we-ride-forth

Like I say, briefly, it’s definitely not the main focus. But while “background checks” were done to make sure only to raise those who fought with honor (aka no Sylvanas loyalists), there’s no mention of consent or such.

It reads more as a case of it being a necessarily evil to stop Sylvanas from taking over the Scourge and raising more people into undeath against their will.

… Which, you know, irony. Especially since, while it did turn out to be true, the whole thing was originally based on Bolvar assuming Sylvanas would come to take his helm.

In the story we also learn that the 4th generation DKs did not get proper training after being raised – they were immediately sent out into the world again, meaning they are most likely also a fair bit weaker than the Death Knights that came before them, not just for their lack of experience but also lack of teaching.

The lamest ones i guess

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