5% base crit bad for pet battles?

We all know that the 5% crit chance on average balances out for everyone, so this kinda prompts the thought that is it actually a positive element for gameplay.

Being on the end of a decisive crit during a game is obviously a crappy feeling especially if you would have otherwise won the game but when you win via a decisive crit often it doesn’t really register.

You can mitigate rng from crits by using a team with a high enough power level that it would require significant rng to lose a game. However this has the damaging effect of making a large amount of matches trivial and pretty much walkovers.

When pet battles were originally introduced alot of abilities had a chance to miss and that has been removed for a long time now. The crit chance is a similar mechanic in essence, a miss would be 100% damage reduction and crit is 50% damage increase, where its not especially fun for anyone. It feels like a hangover from an older version of the game that only has a negative impact now.

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