Dear Community,
With friends together we are looking for a semi-hardcore guild:
- We would like to raid ~2-3x a week (Wed/Fri/Sun ~20:30-23:30)
- Our aim is to clear HC in the first couple weeks and we would like to do some tries on Mythic
- We would like to be part of a mature, friendly community where respect is a core pillar of society
Little about us:
- blood/frost DK; UH DK; monk/paladin heal; dps/aug evoker; heal/elem shamy
- mature, supportive personality
- depending on irl happenings we were more or less active, but all we have Mythic raider experience
- during S4 we haven’t had much time, still reached ~2.7k M+ RIO
Thanks for reading!
Discord: Moflee#7393
BNet: Mofli#2730