I just did 4 masks orgrimmar with boomkin (467ilvl) and I see people that use some addons which show what potions to get into the areas and the cd of “Gift of the Titans”.Any 1 knows what is it called? Also any tips and tricks for easier route like should I start from the left side or from Rexxar?
8.3 Horrific Visions/Gift of the Titans cooldown tracker Chinese edition translated, search this on the site wago for the weak aura link as it won’t let me post it.
watch a guide on the orgrimmar 5 mask as there is a skip available in rexxar, you can run though the dark straight to him but it’s very dangerous. as you’re a druid you can stealth all the way to the pack before rexxar by killing micha and going hard right and jumping over the river there is guides showcasing this on youtube.
my tips for rexxar if your dps is good enough, i pop drums and burst him down before them boars cast the spells, i did 180k dps on him yesterday in a 5mask.