50-60 Lvling With end of Shadowlands

Unsure if this has been announced or asked, Now that dragonflight is close will there be a time 50-60 lvling doesnt have to be done in shadowlands… reason i ask is i have a number of characters i want to lvl but i have absolutely no interest in setting foot in shadowlands again. Will the world scaling be made to go go all the way to 60?

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Leveling xp will get “rebalanced” so that leveling 1-60 is gonna be the same as current 1-50. With the prepatch you will be able to level in any expansion you want 1-60

Although with the current 50% bonus to xp, you can easily reach level 60 by doing timewalking/dungeons after lvl 50.

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In a word: yes.

No more SL ever again.


Well I’m odd and have been levelling via Thorghast. I find it an enjoyable method, doing a few a day on a character.

Might be beating a dead horse but I am so glad we won’t have to ever touch SL leveling again. :stuck_out_tongue: I enjoyed some parts of the expansion but 50-60 was such a slog for me.

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