50% exp increase

If i recall correctly the reason WoW curbstomped Everquest was because it was more accessible and way better polished. Making the whole “oldschool hardcore” argument rather laughable, when talking about WoW and especially the original WotLK.

Problem here kind of is that the low level areas are pretty much dead. Ofc Blizz is selling you the solution for real money, but still.

No wonder… even with the 50% buff, it still takes close to 2 full time working weeks to get from 1-80…

Let that sink in

Leveling is also valuable so people have time to get used to their class before doing end game content. Cutting off way to much time of leveling isn’t a great idea.

Sure-sure, do you need more than 100 hours before you hit 80 to get familiar with the rotation?

You still need 4K GS in order to get invited to naxx 10, you have some time to grind at 80 as well…

That’s not necessarily a bad thing on it’s own. The reason it becomes a problem is that the new player experience is through 70 levels of effectively dead content, where there is nobody to do group quests nor dungeons. Heck I’ve been doing the Howling Fjord for LM achievement and the only players I’ve met were doing the Uthgarde Pinnacle daily Heroic. Let that sink in.

I’m afraid that you’re 100% wrong there.

Casual players make up about 95% of the overall player base in any MMORPG. This is something which is common knowledge and have been for years.


So how can Blizzard create an incentive for people to play more alts and fill out this dead zones?

I can guide you to the solution in order to make you feel you cracked it on your own…

That’s the neat thing. They won’t, because they already are selling the skip all that stuff option, for 60 EUR a piece giving them a monetary incentive to make the grind as bad as possible.

I remember levelling with heirlooms ‘back in the day’ and the percentage which is something like 30% was more than enough. I didn’t think 50% increase was good with the joyeous journey buff, tbh heirlooms are fine - if they work correctly that is, I’ve seen some things that they aren’t working properly.

“An alt to 80”
Please, to have one alt on 80 is a piece of cake.

If you dont like it dont do it. Simple.

Unfortunately “Hardcore” players actually make up the minority of the player base and given that the concensus agrees this is the most “Casual friendly” xpac, personally speaking - I’m okay with a boost to exp.

You still find a number of goblins that spend their waking existence on this game, hiss at the light and refuse to accept that a large amount of players do actually possess a life and cannot level alts to 80. If you’re in that bracket, wait for a paid boost or just do an alt at a comfortable boost.

20% heirlooms is doable given a full day of dungeon grinding (dungeons are easy to find groups for) and all those stone keeper shards help as well. The extra 5% from the ring? Its doable but not as easily obtainable.

Blizzard will eventually add the 70 boosts. Maybe just wait for that if you dont have time?

This game will inevitably die. The content has been played for thousands of hours across servers. Enjoy it while it lasts. Only so much content available.

Content zones just die. Less and less players are seen in starting zones and given everyone just wants to aoe cleave every dungoen, the experience was great fun but slowly you stop seeing new players and the ones left are just people power levelling alts.

Also this isnt “Hardcore” what are you lot on about? You’ve got people absolutely tearing up Naxx 25 with less than 4k GS because everyone knows the tactics, the nuances, how to better play their classes and arent capped by 12 fps. There is nothing hardcore about this game anymore.


Leveling omnew char on classic when u know its gonna die is hc especially if u r griefer and u wont to bully your guild mates with that char.

With wrath prepatch the exp required per level was already reduced by 30%. In middle level even reach 50% and 30% from 60-70. just buy 2 looms and is the same.

See, this is what happens when you open the gate.

You give players a load of bloody boosts, shortcuts, and instant convenience that wasn’t in the original game and it’s not enough - they simply get a taste for it and demand more.

Now here they are asking for the same features available on private ‘fun servers’.

And even if this guy, and those like him, got his super-fast speed levelling it still wouldn’t be enough to satisfy that itch for ‘FASTER, FASTER, FASTER, MORE MORE MORE, GO GO GO GO…

Next comes a bunch of NPCs standing in the starting zones selling Icecrown gear in exchange for ‘donations’.


Leveling is the part of the game. If you don’t like leveling, this game is not for you. I dont care how many times you’ve leveled, its different every time, so dont give me that ****.


The OP is as anti RDF as they come so I don’t quite think you can generalize like that.

Also, we had joyous journeys leading up to WotLKC, it’s not unreasonable to miss it.

You missplaced that “for you”.

It should read “Levelling is the part of the game for you.”

The sooner you accept that other people aren’t your carbon copy the happier you’ll be.


Get off you high horse and save that concedending tone for your boyfriend.
If leveling was not an integral part of the gameplay, you would have a game looking more like warframe.
RPG players are the target audience of this game, and if you make a game for everyone - its a game for nobody.


I agree with you and I hope Blizzard doesn’t make the same mistake to listen to these kind of people that wants more and more and more for instant gratification. If anything levelling should be slower than it currently is. Blizzard should make things harder not easier to please the lazy vocal minority.


I’m sure he is, yet I said nothing about RDF. There was no mention of RDF in my post.