50 mn waiting in LFG - It's not a game where we got fun anymore

50 minutes.

Where no one tag in
This is ain’t fun anymore
To wait that much, and still not people in the list.

It’s not to player to do jobs to finds player.
Where a programs can do it way more easely to allow a better experience for customer.

I don’t ask for S+ tier list for my spec.
I ask people with who to play

Today i look for simple 1.6 Cr , i need pratice in order to adapt myself to arena since i merely spam BG everyday already. I would like to pratice in 3V3
The list for the query " 1.6 ":

  • Warrior looking for mage / ret
  • [WTS]
  • [WTS]
  • Mage looking for rogue

Only 4 options
And in those 2 , you see 2 advertisement.

Well i have to create a group myself.
And now i’m waiting 50 minutes
And still not playing.

More you go upper in Rating, The more difficult you struggle to find group and people.

It’s not fun anymore.
Seriusly need a programs for SoloQueue so you can at least play.

People is bored of the LFG systems, They want to play.
Today there’s more Skirmishes / Random Battleground than there is Ranked Arena / RBG played due to the LFG annoying systems.

We seriusly need soloqueue…


Because the higher you go, the more you get scrutinized and the player pool of people at that rating shrinks dramatically because the vast majority of players are stuck around 1400 ±.

Lower your rating and then you get more people to play with much faster.

Don’t demand people to have the same cr. Just invite anyone. Then u can play very quickly.

You think i was joking there is 0 people :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: ?

No i am serious.
I really got 0 people


I want to push my CR too, if i didn’t cared of that i would go on Skirmishes.
I play arena to upgrade my ilevel too.

On Monday during work hours btw.

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Don’t mention your cr. Just write low cr, and then invite anyone.

Also, the group finder doesn’t “save” who signed when you don’t keep the tab up. For example, if you don’t have the group finder tab up and someone signs and then cancels it, you won’t be able to see who signed when you open the group finder tab after that.

To see if anyone has signed, you have to keep the tab up the entire time.

happenin in Firday at 21:45 too.

1.6cr is no longer considered as low cr, low CR is 0 - 1500

I already tryed to queue with a 1518cr when i was 1650cr and the result was :

  • 1win = 7 cr
  • 1 lose = -18 cr

if you need 3 win for losing all in 1 game lose, then you don’t progress.

Oh look, so you’re just picky with who you invite… you shouldn’t be picky. Not until you’re aiming for rating. You said you just want to play, and to learn. Well, it takes thousands of games to learn. So don’t care about cr that much, just invite whatever.

And yes, 1.6k is low.

Everyone aim for rating because of gear systems.

while pushing CR

It’s not to learn, but pratice, i have already been 2K1 in 2V2 in BFA where MM hunter was trash can, actually if you look my armory my game in arena as been extremly low for a “main” because i am stuck in LFG systems.

Of course it’s low cr , i agree on that.
But the systems consider between 1.4 and 1.6 there’s way too much difference
and so you lose way to much rating if you lose 1 game.

Low CR is not about what we think , because 1.8 can be low CR too.
Low CR is the “unranked” category before " Combattant"

So what do you do when you don’t win the first game with people you’ve found?

I mean, you’re clearly not pushing CR like that.

And what do you do with people who signs up that looks like you can’t win games with them?

I queue again, it’s 1 game.

i try games ?

I mean come on you gonna ask what convenant is that guys too when it’s low cr ?

Sure… To those questions you act like you’ve got an open mind.

But in the post before that:

And how you think 1.6k isn’t low, which means you think it’s worth something.

So you’re clearly placing value in your CR, which implies you tend to behave in a way that “protects” your CR, which means you’re very likely someone who’s quick to give up and who’s picky in the group finder.

Even though you claim you give them a try. Even though you clearly don’t want to:

See, you clearly don’t like it.

i think it is, please read above my post i said the systems , the programs that calculate what rating you will gains, the very algorithm will say it is not.

Don’t say thing i didn’t say. For me 1.6 is very low, but i must find people with that same CR to gain something.

Ok wait i stop here with you.
You missed what i said i OP :

When you find no one, a that point when someone is on your cr you take it.

you try to pass me for an elitist, to defend the LFG systems where actually it is the reason why i don’t find people because people gonna aim S+ tier list specialisation.

If people play ranked, it’s not for playing only but for progress to get gear.
if people wanted to play, people will not go on LFG and will go to Skirmishes / random battlegrounds.
While those option you met everyone.
Very often opponent will not match your skill

Ranked is made so we can face people of the same rating and in order to progress yoru rating to get gear you have to win.

Dropping CR is absolutely not a solution for LFG issue.

If you think it is , and worth to defend LFG systems for being the great systems where everyone can play, you are wrong.
A kyrian Demonology Warlock will never be able to be above 2k1 rating, due to the looking for group systems.
he wil never find people, and will not be able to learn and to progress to get his gear and to find other people due to his specialisation and convenant.

Sometime you have to stop trying to pass people for elitist and their fault when it’s clearly a LFG systems default.

A Soloqueue systems will never get those issue.

The group finder is horrible, if it was up to me we’d still have realm communities (not mega realms like Classic servers), and at max battlegroups with limited amount of servers in them, not just one big battlegroup like now.
We’d have guild rivalries on every realm, to make it more emotionally engaging .

And we’d still have the Elo rating system instead of this garbage, cuz this garbage makes wintrading possible where two teams can face each other and win/lose in a way so both end up going up in rating from only facing each other (not possible in Elo).

There you have some reading to do, to see what’s truly wrong and what a solo queue would require.

No, you missed what I said:

Even if we had your so desperately asked for soloqueue, you wouldn’t find people of your mmr on a Monday afternoon when it’s not a holiday period. Either relax your standards a bit (seriously someone who’s either 1700 or 1500 cr is not the end of the world), or just stick to peak hours. That’s what the soloq would probably have to do if no one in your range was present - pair you with people either a bit lower or a bit higher than yourself.

I don’t remember when Holinka said it so I can’t provide a quote, but he explained the way the matchmaking works and why it’s longer on some rating ranges than others and why you can face someone higher or lower rated in the MMR than you.
He said the search parameters first starts off close to your MMR ± a couple of points, then gradually expands the parameters (meaning the MMR differences) to include a wider and wider range until it finds a match.

So it’s not probably, it’s basically a given that it’d work like that in a solo queue as well.

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Thanks for backing me up with facts, Beware! Your arena forum posting is probably among the most useful in here. So, yeah, it’d be guaranteed you play with people outwith your exact CR in soloqueue, Destrarion. You shouldn’t expect exact matches in rating, especially on off-peak hours. While our current system is not perfect (I’d seriously like them to rework lfg, letting us queue for a later hour from a mobile app or having an ad up inside other instanced stuff for starters), but that’s not an excuse for having some very specific requirements and blaming the system for those not being met.

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