50% off for subscription

I have a red tin foil hat.

Oh wait it’s just a red COVERED tin foil hat.

Still want it? I could make lots more. Once I’m back from the slaughterhouse with full jerry cans.

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It’s free to play 19-22 March. They didn’t give it away fro free.

Blizzard could do the same & give everyone a free 3 day pass, but the cynical players will call it a ploy to entice people back to the game during a crisis.

I’m getting flashbacks.

Have we had this serious of an issue in recent memory where people asked for lower prices due to job loss or did I just loop in the Time continuum for a split second?

Ask money from Pilav he is that Serbian Film actor.

Exactly, that’s what I’ve been saying.

Sorry OP it’s a No from me. I pay for a six month sub every six months I am on a low income and I save the £52 needed in each six month cycle to pay each time and I have savings set aside for the expansions are due out. If as you say you lost your job it’s sadly one of the things that has to go. Blizzard is also a company that has to make money that said a lot of questionable things are done with the money they get over all it goes to the people who make WoW and the other games possible to earn a living and have a life we all have to respect that irrespective of the current circumstances.

This presumptive attitude and assuming you have the right to something because your personal circumstances are not good is not how the world works.

We all are worried for all sorts of reasons right now. I have a 90+ Grandmother a dad in his early 70’s and my mother is in her late 60’s I am having to stop seeing them for what could be 18 months and it’s actually really hard because I am pretty close to my Dad also because he gives the best hugs one could ever ask from a father so it’s not going to be easy.

But I am heeding the advice given I want to keep those three safe and if it means I have to put myself on the front line selling food and stocking shelves for the rest of you so be it. If I lose my job due to the future issues I know I have money saved for the game to continue play if I choose to but keeping food in my home and a roof over my head would come first to me.


GOG-com offers you bundle of free games for the stressful times now. Or cheap games. WoW is not only option.

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What? For reals? :scream:


For me personally single player games have actually been better stress relief compared to the wow. In wow somehow seeing other people act as reminder of the dire state outside, but in single player games I have forgotten myself way more eaisly… like the fact that people working in arts will eat noodles for a while. Or in my case potatoes. Potatoes, potatoes !

But its ok, I pulled 3 raid BoEs this week, so I have some game time stored here too!

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And im kinda disheartened about the Mortons who still jokes about corona. IT is only funny untill you or relatives get hit. And No IT is not a normal flu. 1. Theres No cure 2. Even if you are Young you can go to intensive care 3. IT can cause Damage to your lounges Permanently. Ofc you Will joke about IT when you feel good and healthy, IT is so easy to do.

Brethren, I like Fish and Chips, your counter-argument can’t be that Oatmeal is food too and I should eat that.

That’s point number one, point number two…

People are more than capable of making the correct decision concerning their Health and for most people, life isn’t ideal and since I never walked in that person’s shoes, I won’t pass judgment on those decisions.

Someone could be up against it in life and having two hours a day to escape their unfortunate reality could do wonders for them.

But coming from a position of privilege it seems to be difficult for some to understand why taking 10 pounds from your monthly food budget to spend on gaming has value.

So they Pass Judgment.

I’m too good at this.

Why should I counter that argument about fish and ships. I’d tell you to buy potatoes and fish and learn to cook as it would end up pretty cheap.

Are you certain? I may have had my doubts before last week crisis announcement, but what I have learned past week and world news is that no - majority of people cannot make any correct decisions and common sense is misnomer since it is one of the least common things in our universe.

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That’s fair but considering that I’m not a game developer and I’m certain that Blizzard would sue me if I did, how do I go about making World of Warcraft?

For my own peace of mind, I hope that’s not true.

I have lost all hope.

Well, … I guess this is fair point. But you can always apply job at Blizzard. they give you free game time to their games then. Even for family members!

Hang in there, bro.

Will do.

I actually once had application up for Blizzard and even possibility for interview, and then my old boss said that he’ll sue me when I quit my contract too soon. And I was young enough to be intimidated of the perspective of legal fights. :frowning:

I never found out - I could be like your own blue poster now :frowning:

I haven’t really seen many jokes about Coronovirus specifically, it’s more related to the bad behaviour from the panic buyers causing shortages of every day items.

There will eventually be a vacinne but granted it’s not going to be any time soon.

Some groups of people seem to not care or don’t feel they are really at risk despite having seen the death toll worldwide or specifically in the countries worst hit. I think many healthy people also don’t understand they can still carry it to someone who is vulnerable.

Boris really needs to close pubs and clubs down. My daughter tells me how her uni friends are partying harder than ever now their uni has closed :frowning:

Tried to talk my daughter into coming home, but the prospect of being stuck indoors with her younger siblings for a month isn’t her idea of fun :rofl:

Britain seems to have lag when it comes to using measures others countries have already. :roll_eyes:


i will never get how people can be so screw to not have 13€/month … like wtf?
i mean… if you have an house with internet, a pc to run the game… how tf u dont have 13€ month?