50% off for subscription

I hope blizzard give us 50% off for subscription while corona kills EU (am from Serbia, and we cant go any where and i lose my job) . Maybe sounds dubm but ill hope they do it because, i cant work any more and my budget is kinda low now.


If you don’t work you have more time to make gold and buy a token.



Id be exceptionally surprised if there are any concessions at all. I feel for people who will be short changed due to being unable to work but there are more important things to worry about than a computer game


Am still new, didnt even hit max lvl

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You’ll be max level in no time now thanks to corona


What can i do when i cant get out? I cant work, i cant do sh1t. Ill be forced to cancel subb and thats kinda sad.

Why do you talk like cousin of Bobby Kottick?


Do as i would do and catch up on sleep :rofl:

I mean im lucky. I can work from home so will still be paid. But seriously, if you dont think you can afford the sub then you need to prioritise and worry about getting the essentials first.

I’m kind of dishearted by how many people want freebies atm. I mean it’s a nice gesture from any company but they have to offer it, you can’t demand or expect it.


It could be a marketing stunt to get new people to play. More people at home bored more potential subs.
The company where I work is giving away some products for free in the hopes people will stay a customer after the whole situation is over.
It does work better depending on the branch ofcourse. Though for Blizzard it could work if the potential new subs outweighs the short sub revenue loss


I dont demand it, i hope that’s going to happen. And i dont want it for FREE like you said, idd like it for like 7/8 €.

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There is an increase in people wanting/asking for things because of Corona, interpret that how you will.


If you want a reduction in the sub because otherwise you cant afford to continue playing then you REALLY need to rethink your priorities, because I hate to break it to you but you cant afford to play with or without a reduction whilst Corona is ongoing


In the spirit of demanding things, I want a frostmourne tmog!

Though I’ve wanted that since I started playing so yeah…

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I want invincible to drop too please!


deleted post

Wouldn’t mind if Blizzard added that upgraded Gorehowl model from WoD… you know cause Corona and everything :roll_eyes:

Come to think of it, wouldn’t mind free Illidan statue either.

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Learn Russian 4head

Hello there my countrymen I know your pain believe me but you can’t demand such a thing of them you got to realize they are aswel affected by the virus if they offer it themselves it’s ok but you can’t demand it of them.

Also many gave you good suggestions to farm gold and get the token since we have free time now.

I am explaining this because I don’t want for people to believe our country is needy that much.

Буди ми здрав и држи се(be healthy and hold on bro).

Edit: I hope I won’t get suspended for wishing my Countrymen health and encouragement in our language it happened before when I spoke with a Russian buddy here :rofl:.


We already know some Russian it’s a Slavic language we are in the same language group.