50% off for subscription

You hurt my head!!

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No need for gifting anything. Ty anyway, ur good person :heart: people don’t get this sh.t for real, people losing jobs, people die. I dont mind to pay for game but next few months will be hard and i know it. Hope ur kids are good. Take care all.


Stares down my imaginary glasses

No U!

yep i got 10 years wow gametime card from a friendo who works in blizz fr

I’m more in favor of Blizz giving the players a little something since BFA has been a clusterfk of bad implementation and really fked some players over with a bunch of things, the corona would just be a nice thing to do but cmon, it’s Blizz we’re talking about xD

I think full price is justified at the moment.
A lot of people are off but Blizz employees are still working to keep these servers up and running for our entertainment.

They deserve a bonus, helping us stay at home and not go insane.

Well done Blizz for keeping up the servers :heart:


i mean i dont get the talk of discount .if somebody cant pay 15 euros a month subscription .they wont pay 8 euros per month either .


That’s kind of like a boss telling all his employees, hey, your salary is now 50% less, enjoy!
What happens next: majority leaves the job and seeks a better one, or; riots. Employees explode the building, dig a deep pit around the house of their boss and camp there with rotten eggs until boss will take back what he said.

The fact that you can’t work doesn’t make you entitled to discounts. Don’t be the choosing beggar. Play a cheaper game.


Blizzard have Devs and staff to pay too

Nobody asked you for your dumb parent Play. I don’t get banned ingame but even if I was, I wouldn’t give 2 shts About a dying game with the most retarded and disillusioned community ever. But yeah of Course the blinded Bli$$ard Dcksucker Keep getting milked from Actif*ck and buy every single Expansion.

Go on and defend it even more.

“Grow up kiddo?”
And that’s properbly comming from a 12 years old downie who wants to quickly farm some likes in the Forum playing the nice guy here.
Pathetic. I’m glad that the Forum gets ignored by any important Blizzard Executives or Dev’s anyway, otherwise we would have to deal with the sht you idits talk out loud.

Anyway, I’m gonna enjoy my week ban from the Forum while you can continue sucking Bli$$ards D*ck.

PS: That MVP
 lmao. What a Retard.

I think my work here is done.

“All to easy”

Flips switch to start carbon freezing process


You got beaten quite soundly there Souly. Truly posts that well-crafted and eloquent are a rare thing. It should be printed out and framed really, though I imagine it would just cause shame and depression upon every reading :thinking:

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I am humbled to have been chastised in such an eloquent way. Truly I was blessed to be addressed in prose not even Dante, Ovid, or even the mighty Homer could have written. Truly I know how Antinoös felt when Odysseus began to wreak vengeance.

Can you suggest a suitable ointment to soothe all those burns inflicted upon my poor delicate feelings while I retreat to my safe space and think on my life choices, or to flee the Furies of Caerina as they drag me to have my soul encased in the iron tombs of heresy.

Either way. Loud slurp from soda


Can’t go wrong with the classics, aloe vera is good for burns :+1:t2:. I might also suggest some eucalyptus soda with ice cubes, since you’re doing that.

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