Eh as Cylaris mentioned here
it is less of being impatiant but more of that you feel like for the sake of your nerves it would be be easier and cheaper to get the 25€ for buying the set now.
Because with how costly the class sets are 500 tenders are a lot and you don’t know when they are on the shop again excapt not till February. But you have no idea what other stuff then will be available and so if you are able to buy it with the ingame currency. So for those that want it for sure they will buy it now and for the rest that have no real desire for it they will buy it when they have the tenders over and it is in the shop.
So you rather want it that first everything is free and only for those who came to late they have to pay?
Also you know that thanks to the token everyone could buy it for ingame currency?
Additionally no one really knows with how expansive the class sets are now ingame and that the additional tenders where only a summer event thing it may happen that buying tenders for money will later create a situation like: