5000 pvp pet battle wins

How do you optimally farm this?
Is there a way easy do this?

One battle at a time. And most of your time will be spent waiting for a battle. :frowning: So the achievement is mostly for waiting in a queue.

The queue pops faster during Pet Week, so you will be using that as much as possible.

You are placed in a Pet Battlegroup to match against other people based on the realm on which your account’s first character is located. Think about that, and take it in.

I don’t know which EU PvP Pet Battlegroup is most active. None of them are what you would call busy.

Consider time spent.

IF you can average 5 minutes per battle, including queue waiting time, and maintain a 70% win rate, you are looking at about 600 hours. Now, I don’t think anyone has ever maintained an average of 5 minutes per battle, including queue time, even back in the Mists days when the queue was busy. Discodoggy, the OG pet brawler, recently came back and did a video. He had transferred his first character to the busiest goup in US. He was playing during a weekend afternoon in Pet Week. He managed to get 11 battles in 170 minutes (I think - time hard to read) - so about 15-16 minutes per battle under the most ideal conditions.

So it’s a long, long process.

So @blizzard, is there something that you can do about this achievement to make it a bit faster…

Can you insert a new critteria for pvp pet battle duels, where if you win it counts for the achievement?

While Blizzard have not made any statements on this, the only reason any of us can think of for the pet battlegroup restriction would be to make it harder to wintrade your way to an achievement.

Thus, it seems unlikely they would allow people to arrange to meet up outside the random queue. Although, there are SO few people in the queue, it isn’t really random any more.

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