Is it expected of Shadow Priest to do dispel work in Dungeons?

Hey Guys,
I’m a new player, maining Shadow Priest, I had quite an unpleasant encounter,
Doing Dungeons, I sign for DPS, I was never asked or expected to do Mass Dispel, as my cooldowns are quite long [45 seconds] I assumed.
until this guy, screaming and cursing at me the whole dungeon to dispel.
I did try but having never done so, with cool downs of 45 seconds, not quite successfully :sweat_smile:
is it expected of SPriest to do this job, even tho I’d signed up for DPS? does it justify calling me retarded nonstop?

Eh, not really. Mass Dispel can be very useful though. I’d say 95% of spriests never dispel anything and the situations where you’re more effective than the actual healer are very rare. One instance where shadow priests would use mass dispel is mythic Jaina, but I don’t think that’s content you’re doing.

Also, even though you didn’t say what realm the guy was from, naming and shaming is against the rules. Replace his name with something else or risk getting suspended from the forums. Just a little heads up.

He said he mains a Shadow Priest himself and IT IS my job, honestly I would’ve done it if I’d more experience.
Thank you for your input.

Is it shaming when its the truth? I mean, I have screen shots& I reported him. he was being very aggressive and offensive, I will provide any evidence if asked to by GMs, but I’m pretty sure if a player is comfortable enough to say these things to me in party, then I believe it’s ok to share in public.
I don’t even know why he was pointing fingers at me, while never addressing the actual healer.

I’d like to add that I’ve met truly great people doing lower Mythics, even tho I’m new and not as experienced, they were very patient, helpful and nice.

Generally it’s better to never name another character, even if it’s the truth.

As for the dispelling, it depends on what level of difficulty you were doing. It’s always helpful for someone to do extra dispels but isn’t really required on most cases. Just remember that you do have three dispels as Shadow priest. One is Mass Dispel, which dispels stuff in an area, from up to five targets and has 45 second cooldown. Second one is Purify Disease, which can dispel diseases on a friendly target and has 8 second cooldown. Third one is Dispel Magic, which dispels one magical effect from an enemy and it has no cooldown. Out of the three, the last one is probably the most useful dispel in dungeons. A lot of enemies do nasty magical buffing stuff and you can easily get rid of it. Does cost mana though and Shadow priests don’t really have a lot of that.
I’m gonna assume he was most likely wanting you to use Dispel Magic, which would also explain why he didn’t possibly mention it to the actual healer (only shamans and priests have this kind of offensive dispel from healers). Not that it means he was right in doing what he did, but just my two cents on the matter.

You asking this question is about the same as a rogue asking if they should be using Kicks and stuns to interrupt casts.

Yes, any class that has a dispel is absolutely expected to use it whenever possible, especially in M+.

Many mobs gain dispellable shields (Underrot skeletons, Tol Dagor fish people casters) and damage reductions ( Protectors in Shrine and Bewitched Captains in Waycrest). If you’re not dispelling that crap you’re actively reducing not just your own DPS, but also the DPS of everybody else in the group. And that’s not even mentioning all the other nasty stuff you can dispel, making everybody’s life easier.


Yes. all classes are expected to use all the utilities they can to help the run succeed.


Hey Mythicalish,

To answer your query, I would not say that it is expected, from your class/spec specifically to dispel bad stuff, but at the same time, I personally try to use various abilities to make the life of the other people in my group easier. Like Papudeath mentioned above, with demanding content like progression raiding in Mythic raids or very high Mythic+ dungeons, it would be best if you use everything in your arsenal.

It is definitely not accepted to have someone name calling you and harassing you, and I would suggest that if this happens again to report them, by using the appropriate function - right-click their name and select the option that suits best.

Additionally I had to slightly edit your post by removing the name of the offender. Naming and shaming is not allowed in our forums, so please avoid doing so in the future.

First lets agree that the guy over-reacted.

Second sorry to say that but yes, i have 4 SP in my roster and it is naturel for them to do it even they try to when and how to min max it.

it’s like saying is a Mage supposed to BL or De-curse ? Yes
do we suppose that a rogue will shroud / stun ? Yes
is a Shaman supposed to stun/speed the group/dispel poison/dispel CM …etc? YES
you can say the same for every class.

This is the basics of your class, and you are playing one of the best classes in term of utilities specially for raids, don’t be chocked if you have the same experience with Life Grip or Mind Control or Vampiric Embrace.
So the short answer if you want to be serious about your class Yes you have to use your utilities arsenal, and PUG will always assume that you will (unless they don’t know).

Also you said: i did not sign for DISPEL …. nobody do sign for this as it’s not a role !!! just ask yourself who will do it ? the healer ? well he can say the same
Play your class and this question was supposed to be : it he guy reaction justified instead cause you HAVE NO EXCUSE TO NOT use your arsenal


As a mage, i’d just recommend you get Decursive so that you don’t need to worry about monitoring people and it allows you to dispel at ease. It’s the best way to manage your dispels without having to setup additional keybinds or monitoring on unitframes.

Over time you will notice which spells effects you want to get rid of to help your group.

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Oh common now you want to ban a guy that screem and curse because you dont know how to play your class ?

That’s what made this game a success :smiley:

Stop that right click mentality seriously this crazy bad and i dont believe he will be banned for such a common thing

This is not harassement, this is a guy over-reacting to some guy who don’t know how to play.


I would say, that while someone name-calling in game has worse issues than someone not dispelling properly, yes any class and role should use the tools at their disposal, it’s part of what makes m+ interesting when people work together to say enable a tank to kite off a stack of necrotic or stun/interrupt so that the healer can keep people alive. As a shaman healer, I greatly appreciate that classes that can remove poisons/disease or off heal in a tight spot use it on others and myself I do as much interrupts/stuns and offensive dispels as I can. M+ to me is all about a team effort and to learn to use what you have to the best efficacy is a good way to improve!


That’s been the case for years with Raids, for MM+ it’s just more obvious are the group is smaller. Heroic (pre-MM) and Mythic will also make people on the spot more seriously imagine having a Priest who can’t life grip AND mass dispel on High Tinker mythic you will just loose and as it’s a raid you can’t just replace him like in a simple dungeon run at least you will have to wait and loose a whole raid night and the anger will be worse than this.

This entry isn’t about suffering verbal abuse primarily but my comment would be two-fold; a rl going into the meccatorque fight pugging a key person and not making sure beforehand that they know what to do is probably not going to be leading anyone to a win. Secondly if someone shoots crap at you, at least I’d be more prone to shrug it off as “coming from someone being a douchebag” . It isn’t hard to be a bit more constructive in your interactions. Yelling dispel retard at someone who isn’t quite sure why or what to do isn’t the best way to get someone to improve. And if you took 5 mins to coach the presumptive player in the m raid pug, maybe that person could handle the mechanics after a
Few more tries. Not ideal, but still better than wasting that raid night.

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Yes of course nobody will bring someone who can’t play to Mekka MM it was a theory to contrast the point,
We are talking about some people who think they play dps so they ONLY have to dps and this mentality get enforced with some replies even from a Forum mod !!

Well, the mod encouraged the op to use his toolkit to the best extent and removed the name of the name-caller and told op to use the regular complaint channels. I’m not sure how that translates into “just dps and don’t improve your game”. As far as I’ve seen, all other posters agree that op would benefit from improving the use of the tools , only pointing out that calling someone retard isn’t the best way to go about this.


Expected? No.
Appreciated? Yes.

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Their is a difference between it will be nice to use your toolkit and you have to use your toolkit, you shouldn’t wait to be on Mythic jaina to start using your abilities you have to learn them on easier content and try to be better at the game.

Of course you are supposed to use your toolkit. Offensive dispels are used on nearly all dungeons, and those are expected to be dispelled. If you fail to offensively dispel, then I totally understand why someone is yelling at you. You also have disease dispel, which is extremely useful in dungeon like Underrot. If you don’t use it correctly, you are not playing correctly and your lack of skill is making the dungeon harder than it’s supposed to be. Mass dispel is different thing, you can use it offensively (example: Underrot bone shield), or you can use it defensively (Motherlode 3rd boss debuff, you can dispel both debuffs on every other cast boss does that ability).

These are the basic “tips” that are listed in wowhead m+ guides for your spec, and if you don’t know them, you should be prepared to be shouted at because you are first of all playing like extremely unskilled player would, but you are also disrespecting your fellow group players by not investing any time to learn the basic things before the dungeon.

My tip for you would be to prepare better for dungeons better, learn your class first by at least reading through guides and going through logs, finding out how you should play, what talents you should play and what to dispel always, how to cheese with your abilities, how to execute most popular skips in dungeons and if you are playing class that allows group to skip then learn how to utilize your abilities to skip.

Also, to add my previous reply: Did you know you have a single target offensive dispel with no cooldown on it? If I had to guess, he said you should “dispel more” and you thought your only dispel is mass dispel. But anyway, go through your spellbook and read what your abilities do and do the things I listed, you’ll start enjoying the game a lot more.

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IMO, every player should be expected to do everything he can to make the fight succesfull.

So if you can help on the dispel work, yes, you are expected to try to do it. I mean, you’ve got the spell in your spell bar, or at the very least in your spell book, why would you be expected to NOT use it? That’s a non sense.

As I see it, just like as a tank I am expected to kick casters mobs, you are expected to use your dispel ability.

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