The 10.2.6 Content Update Arrives 20 March

The 10.2.6 Content Update Arrives 20 March

A bold, new, limited-time event awaits you on the horizon!

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So EU is just gonna have to wait for reset again and get this super secret Patch and Event get spoiled by NA Players? Thanks for nothing


It’s slightly weird to at the same time keep the patch details a mystery (which i like) and then release it at different days for different regions.


all the teasing and blueballing for a limited time event

you people are really out of touch with your playerbase


Second both comments above!

Why are EU always treated like second class costumer? I think the EU side bring you alot of cash, right? You need to treat us better!


So EU Will be spoiled before US like always, so why even hide it behind anything.

Globla Release!

This is just lame


I mean you are doing time-limited HS event, hope it is not your brand-new quality standarts of events xD


You can’t exactly do a mystery then not give a global release. NA players are just going to spoil it all for EU players especially on YouTube where they put it in their thumbnails.


Just avoid going near WoW sites/news for one day minimum.


limited-time event

y tho


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All of that teasing, and then months of radio silence only for you to tell us the entire patch is limited time

That is genuinely clown nose honk honk level stuff. Never do this again.


“10.2.6 is coming next week!”
“Hip hip, hooray!”
“The event is time-limited!”
“Boo, you stink!”

Seriously though, I don’t get what kind of event it could be that it has to be limited. Even something that was hidden (i think?) was Secrets of Azeroth, and that stayed in. I’ll kind of understand if it’s a lore event akin to a pre-patch event because there tends to be activity in the open-world, although even something like that could be contained to a scenario like Theramore’s Fall.

grabs some popcorn and reads the complaining about “time limited” events

“A bold, new” We shall wait and see. I have a feeling, we’ll have quests, that lead us to already pirated theme areas (Booty Bay for example), a possible dungeon, which already exists to do a daily quest. And then we’ll have similar items like we have from the HS event, but pirate themed.

So yeah lets see what this bold & new event is all about.


Limited time event.

Same FOMO to get people to come back, so scummy.


Hopefully this means until TWW. Right?


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If you don’t want to be spoiled that badly I’m sure you can just avoid wowhead and social media for a few hours on Tuesday.

Watch some Netflix, play something else, call your parents/kids and have a talk with them, pass the time however you want and then just go to sleep and discover it for yourself on Wednesday.


the US doesn’t have to stay away from wow sites and it will be all over YouTube on thumbnails.


I think if any of the recent ‘limited time events’ are anything to go by, then I am pretty worried about how bad the rushed expansion timeline is going to be for TWW.

Not to forget that the feedback for years has been for no more FOMO events
 yet they’re just hamming them in.

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Limited Time event, and effort has been put in to keep it secret? This might be the most fun thing WoW have done in a while, or fall flat and be super dull.

I sincerely hope that it will be a blast.

So sure, I will jump on the hype train, chu-chu - up or off the cliff we go! :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_yay_animated: :dracthyr_a1:


That blurred image appears to be the freehold :thinking: