500k Ferocious Bites - 400k Rising Sun Kick - Wednesday will be 400k Aim Shots

This patch going meme level very very soon when people realize that clothes and Leather will be unplayable just to the damage output, which will result in huge survival buffs to Cloth and Leather which will ruin the meta even further

let’s add the following

Feral Druid

  • Saber Jaws effectiveness reduced by 50% in PVP
  • Bloodtalon effectiveness reduced by 50% in PVP

Wind Walker

  • Rising Sun kick damage reduced by 10% in PVP
  • Rising Star effectiveness reduced by an additional 50% in PVP
  • Tier 4 Set bonus effectiveness reduced by an additional 50% in PVP

Marksmen Hunter

  • Sniper Shot now deals 10% maximum health and no longer scales with any damage modifiers
  • New PVP Talent added: Armour Penetration Projectile - Rapid Fire and Aim shot by bypass armour.
  • Aim Shot damage reduced by 15% in PVP
  • Rapid Fire damage reduced by 15% in PVP

Happy days

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Do you realize how broken that would be? :rofl: I mean maybe for a few seconds or something but not by default, that’s beyond broken.

You say it will be broken on a C-tier spec…?

Marks isn’t C tier, you’re going too far.

In bad matchups, Marks still a solid B - B+

In some matchups, marks is a solid A - A+ tier

Marks only struggles into double melee, Rogues and other Hunter specs (because the other 2 hunter specs bully Marks a lot)

The only way to make Marks A+ or S tier forever is to just give back the real version of Resonating Arrow, so your worst enemy, the Pillar, stops being so relevant, and Double tap I guess

What I said is before I’ve tried or seen it this week after buff though, could be better even

Broken, yet warriors armor rating has been outdated since vanilla

Aimed shot doesnt hit that hard

its also A CAST

Demon hunter and Monk do their damage instantly .

people were moaning about sniper shot, so they moved the damage elsewhere to compensate. you all are to blame tbf … and btw thanks for the buffs i hated sniper shot anyway

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all melees do

but the requirement is

melee range

except for Ret

Ret always does dmg to anybody he wants xd

MM mastery allows u to hit ppl from over 50 yards

if u can’t create that distance, that’s more of a u problem

Said the DH

What about Ret damage? That is fine I guess? :laughing:

I have played quit a bit but barley faced ferals most druid dps are lazer chicken, so can’t tell

MM should not be top Hunter PvP specc that always should be SV (no bias from me at all)
Main BM beside that player sure have there pants on there head while playing

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If I’m playing my BM, I dont even wear any pants.

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Well , you can stop the hunter from casting aimed at least 5-6 times in a row as a NELF DH.
So who’s problem is this ?

you are aware that our PVs have doubled ? (btw nerf ww, broken dmg)